Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Oooooooooooooo Gene 
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Yea she has presence. She clearly borrows her look (Robe) and mannerisms from Okada and Flair. Entrance is on point

She just doesn't appear to be a fluid athlete

She's not, she wrestles like she's stuck in quicksand. She's a workout warrior that can't actually translate that to the ring. And has the personality of a paper plate

Give me a scouting report on The Great Muta 
What jumps out from tape on the Great Muta is his size relative to his style. You didn't see too many true Japanese imports in the 90s with the country's signature style and feel, but with heavyweight size.

Everybody knows about his devastating striking ability--it's a goal of mine to put someone down with the Shining Wizard--and acrobatic in-ring style that influences competitors to this day, but he's perhaps a bit underappreciated for his toughness, as he gamely stood across the ring and plotted a path to victory in blood against some of the absolute best in federations around the world. He's also the first recorded combatant to employ the reverse Indian deathlock, which is still seen to this day. I enjoy his high-impact style in action, but wouldn't necessarily want to end up across the ring from it if I'm being honest.

Also, I do not know what that green mist is, but I'm hoping to learn how to counteract it in my training here, as I hear it's not uncommon for luchadores to use.
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What jumps out from tape on the Great Muta is his size relative to his style. You didn't see too many true Japanese imports in the 90s with the country's signature style and feel, but with heavyweight size.

Everybody knows about his devastating striking ability--it's a goal of mine to put someone down with the Shining Wizard--and acrobatic in-ring style that influences competitors to this day, but he's perhaps a bit underappreciated for his toughness, as he gamely stood across the ring and plotted a path to victory in blood against some of the absolute best in federations around the world. He's also the first recorded combatant to employ the reverse Indian deathlock, which is still seen to this day. I enjoy his high-impact style in action, but wouldn't want to end up across the ring from it if I'm being honest.

Also, I do not know what that green mist is, but I'm hoping to learn how to counteract it in my training here, as I hear it's not uncommon for luchadores to use.
Bums me out when I think about how Cody, Wade, and Ryback all left before the draft split. All had potential. This Wade entrance I found yesterday was 

The King gimmick was awful for him
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Before my time honestly, and his almost purely power-based style honestly wouldn't serve me very well against some of the world's top heavyweights--the way I see it, I'd rather never use a powerbomb than expend all that energy at that point in the match and not nail the technique, only getting a 2 count--so I haven't done a lot of film study on him specifically.

I can say his opponents seemed to have a lot of trouble dealing with his outright strength advantage due to his background as a pure powerlifter, and although I don't recall him ever capturing the big prize, he strikes me as a Karl Malone type...a highly credible challenger who repeatedly ran up against destiny.
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