Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Sure. My knowledge on the history of wrestling is extremely limited. Ive never studied the old days of wrestling. I only know what happened between 96-02 and 2014-now. But from what I've seen since I started watching wrestling in 96, there hasn't been another guy who had the combination of in-ring ability, mic work and charisma that Jericho had. Lets be real, Stone Cold was probably the greatest character of all time. But was he that great in the ring? Naw fam.
In Ring work is PART of the whole package.

Sure, Stones wasn't a technician, but he did what he needed to do to get the crowd where they needed to be. In ring and out of the ring.

Jericho is the total package, not denying that.

But that doesn't automatically equate to you being at the TOP of an all time list

I don't care how well rounded Oscar Robertson/Magic Johnson were, they isn't on Jordan's level, even though they were more versatile. 
Are we taking mic skills into the equation?? If so, how is Jericho not at least top 15?
That is a different statement than saying, "HE is Top 10 all time."

Saying he is Top 10 from what I have witnessed makes MUCH more sense

Wouldn't argue there

Who else is in That 10?
Kinda the point I was trying to make who can really make that statement of all time unless you have seen all the guys. You can go back and watch the older guys but to me you won't get the same feel as seeing them grow.

My top 10 no order
Have to think about the others
Are we taking mic skills into the equation?? If so, how is Jericho not at least top 15?
He is the total package but yall are only looking at a small time frame.

I agree and understand the, "Only judge what you saw" logic. So that is why I would only argue certain eras

So if we are talking about since the Monday Night Wars; he should be Top 15
And I think we need to determine what, "In-Ring" means.

A larger moveset doesn't mean someone is better "in-ring" than someone that doesn't use as many cool and flashy moves

To me Arn Anderson was one of the best ever, in-ring, but he never had a DEEP moveset. However, What he did was done with purpose and meaning. 
Jericho way better than HBK

In every aspect. 
Did you just discover HBK was related to Finn or something?

Ive never really been high on HBK. He's not trash but I dont see him as an all time great as many others do

He'd prob be in the bottome of my top 20 tbh. But Y2J would be higher 

My top 5 greatest. Solely based on the wrestling I have seen/resonated with me the most

1) Ric Flair


3) Kurt Angle

4) Randy Savage

5) Bret Hart *EDIT
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Ive never really been high on HBK. He's not trash but I dont see him as an all time great as many others do

He'd prob be in my top 20 tbh

My top 5 greatest. Solely based on the wrestling I have seen/resonated with me the most

1) Ric Flair


3) Kurt Angle

4) Randy Savage

5) Bret Hart *EDIT
Man, you be speaking from the heart.

How isn't Hulk Hogan on the list my dude?
@DCAllAmerican  I legit started watching wrestling the year he left WWF and eventually ended up in WCW.

I knew the legend. Respected it as child learning about the myths. But I never really watched any of his WWF stuff until later in life.

And when I did see it, I wasnt really wowed by anything. Hulking up and leg drops wasnt my thing.

HH would be in my top 20 as well solely off the bash at the beach. Maybe bottom top 10.
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