Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This


Ive never really been high on HBK. He's not trash but I dont see him as an all time great as many others do

He'd prob be in the bottome of my top 20 tbh. But Y2J would be higher 

My top 5 greatest. Solely based on the wrestling I have seen/resonated with me the most

1) Ric Flair
3) Kurt Angle
4) Randy Savage
5) Bret Hart *EDIT
Razor Roman not in your top 5?
@DCAllAmerican  I legit started watching wrestling the year he left WWF and eventually ended up in WCW.

I knew the legend. Respected it as child learning about the myths. But I never really watched any of his WWF stuff until later in life.

And when I did see it, I wasnt really wowed by anything. Hulking up and leg drops wasnt my thing.

HH would be in my top 20 as well solely off the bash at the beach. Maybe bottom top 10.
Well, even still; he single handedly was the leader for the biggest faction, of the biggest era in the HISTORY of the sport. That should count for something
Just because nobody else in America knows your Pokemon wrestlers doesn't mean you have to trash ours ok
Nice try but I wasn't even considering non-Americans.

Again, nice try.

if you want to add to the discussion, feel free. If not, go somewhere
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Top 5 I've seen no order

Close maybe

Definitely nobody from the 80s outside of Flair; wrestling was trash then. Either you had charisma or ring skills, only 2 or 3 off the top of my head had both.
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All I know is that when I was watching WCW back in the day and a Ric Flair match was bout to start, that would be the time I would go to the bathroom or get a snack *shrugs*
All I know is that when I was watching WCW back in the day and a Ric Flair match was bout to start, that would be the time I would go to the bathroom or get a snack *shrugs*
He didn't have a cool moveset

He looked old with his white hair

Body looked weird

Not surprising 

But you missed the story he told each time he laced them up
Razor Roman not in your top 5?
Honestly couldnt put him there without showing blatant favoritism 

The stuff I saw of him after WCW was traumatizing 
@DCAllAmerican  I legit started watching wrestling the year he left WWF and eventually ended up in WCW.

I knew the legend. Respected it as child learning about the myths. But I never really watched any of his WWF stuff until later in life.

And when I did see it, I wasnt really wowed by anything. Hulking up and leg drops wasnt my thing.

HH would be in my top 20 as well solely off the bash at the beach. Maybe bottom top 10.
Well, even still; he single handedly was the leader for the biggest faction, of the biggest era in the HISTORY of the sport. That should count for something
Definitely counts for something. I would rank him lower without it lol
And I think we need to determine what, "In-Ring" means.

A larger moveset doesn't mean someone is better "in-ring" than someone that doesn't use as many cool and flashy moves

To me Arn Anderson was one of the best ever, in-ring, but he never had a DEEP moveset. However, What he did was done with purpose and meaning. 

Agreed. Cause if doing a bunch of moves meant best in the ring, that slinky-looking Zack Sabre >>>>>>>
I don't let emotions cloud my judgement man. It isn't a, "My Favorites" list. It is an actual Greatest List. I know how to seperate the two
And it probably surprised you since it is WWF dudes. I was never a WWF fan. I only watch it from time to time now due to "Monday Night, 8 PM Conditioning."

Hulk Hogan ring work was horrible.

Also what's crazy is a lot of Kids are going to have Cena at the top of the greatest of all time.

Cena is definitely in the mix with that group but it's honestly hard for me to rank him over those guys because I feel like they've had bigger moments than him.
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