Wrestling Thread Dec 21-Jan 3 | 12/28 Raw from Brooklyn: Cena v Del Rio, Vince McMahon Returns

Cheeseburger is African American?! He was a pretty good guest on Talk is Jericho this past week. He was talking about Juicy Liger and NJPW. That's pretty dope to see he accomplished one of this short term goals already for the year.

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Yoshi Tatsu really was useless last night

The other 2 kept trying to include him and he would respond with 1 word answers
Yoshi Tatsu was probably one of the blandest Japanese wrestlers I've ever seen. I had assumed his moveset was neutered when he came to the he WWE, but even his pre-WWE matches had him looking like he was already wrestling the WWE "main event style".
Starting up WK10 now..Avoided spoilers all day, so I hope it's as good as last year..
Uploading from phone is a pain. Cant tell by pics the camo is a shoe bag for travel
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year @Meangene45  

I'm glad you enjoyed the gifts.

New thread coming shortly as this should be a pretty big week for WWE. Plus the fallout from Wrestle Kingdom. 
Got back from vacation last night. Just watched RAW from last week. Ready for work tomorrow. :rolleyes will be watching RAW with y'all. Gonna catch WK10

Also just shipped out my gifts for @NewZ05 my bad for shipping super late. Was expecting everything to come before I left for vacation but didn't. Sent u a lil extra for the delay bro.
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