Wrestling Thread Dec 21-Jan 3 | 12/28 Raw from Brooklyn: Cena v Del Rio, Vince McMahon Returns

Got back from vacation last night. Just watched RAW from last week. Ready for work tomorrow. :rolleyes will be watching RAW with y'all. Gonna catch WK10

Also just shipped out my gifts for NewZ05 NewZ05 my bad for shipping super late. Was expecting everything to come before I left for vacation but didn't. Sent u a lil extra for the delay bro.

Thanks. I appreciate the heads up. Jus glad I got something coming my way. I'll let you know when it gets here!
"MLW says a few of the guys in Bullet Club and Nakamura gave their notice."

Uh ohhhhhh...
Honner signed all them old dudes?

I'm not holding my breath or anything but I really think it's plausible given the environment -- Nakamura really doesn't have a whole lot left to do in NJPW and I really just want that Balor v. Styles WAR. 
HHH gonna bring back Evolution and have Stylin' Jones be mini-Flair again just so be can kick his ***
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