Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Reigns should just yell all the time like he used to in the old Shield promos

He can make his gimmick a hard of hearing super athlete
Jordan from Maryland,
Thanks for the gifts man! Just got the Nas poster. Gonna hang it in my room and look at it while I smash my girl thinking of layla :smokin gonna wait to open the other package. Thanks again
:x yo you gonna smash your lady while starin at another man....? :lol:
So they're going to have reigns who barely has 5 moves beat the beast Brock? He'll have to hit him with 50 punches and 20 spears.
I think they made Brock look way to strong. I like Seth but is it really gonna be believable if Seth beats him straight up. Unfortunately it has to be Cena, Reigns or someone else who can match his physicality. I don't hate Roman but they're pushing him way too hard, and it's still hard for me to believe Cena is a 15x champ :x
I think they made Brock look way to strong. I like Seth but is it really gonna be believable if Seth beats him straight up. Unfortunately it has to be Cena, Reigns or someone else who can match his physicality. I don't hate Roman but they're pushing him way too hard, and it's still hard for me to believe Cena is a 15x champ :x
Yup. Brock losing to ANYONE is unrealistic. They should attack him, injure him, make him drop the belt or something. Anyone beating him is a damn joke
I think Rigns will have new attire at WM31. That R-Truth + Boss Man get up needs to go.
I think they made Brock look way to strong. I like Seth but is it really gonna be believable if Seth beats him straight up. Unfortunately it has to be Cena, Reigns or someone else who can match his physicality. I don't hate Roman but they're pushing him way too hard, and it's still hard for me to believe Cena is a 15x champ
Yup. Brock losing to ANYONE is unrealistic. They should attack him, injure him, make him drop the belt or something. Anyone beating him is a damn joke
I dont know if that would make much sense either since he already competes like twice a year.
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I dont know if that would make much sense either since he already competes like twice a year.
Well they have to find a realistic way to get the belt up off of him. Nobody should beat him for it. So maybe they should strip him due to inactivity or something. I don't know
I think they made Brock look way to strong. I like Seth but is it really gonna be believable if Seth beats him straight up. Unfortunately it has to be Cena, Reigns or someone else who can match his physicality. I don't hate Roman but they're pushing him way too hard, and it's still hard for me to believe Cena is a 15x champ :x

I still think reigns isn't that physically strong. He not even really swole or has cool power moves. Cesaro probably laughs at him in the weight room
You think they choosin it or HE choosin these colors. I think reigns pickin these colors b
I have no idea. I would probably blame them because they are the ones with the history of messing with simple things and making them more complex than what they really are.

Maybe they pick the template and he picks the colors
What could've been:

Cesaro stays a Heyman guy
Shows dissension/jealousy with Brock
Wins the Rumble
Beats Brock at 31 with help from Heyman turning against Brock
Becomes next big star.
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