Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Folks are too damn quick to dismiss Roman. That is all I'm going to say about that!

Nobody is complete dismissing him. We just don't like them shoving him in the spotlight when others deserve it way before him. He could be a good champion just not now or even this year.
reading older post when everyone was on romans d...:lol:
Internet based wrestling fans are like fickle and hate almost everything that gets popular. :lol: But his push isn't fully warranted with what he currently brings to the table. That's why the hate is beginning to grow in regards to Reigns. He needs more seasoning before he gets the title. I hope he knows his weaknesses and works on them. He has the potential to be great. But it has to happen naturally and not be another Cena-like force feed.
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Just funny to think dudes getting hard with video game controllers playing a game of wrestling. Too much non sexual stuff going on there to think about jackin off LOL
Even if he wasn't he would be in good company right now.

Wwe does that from what I gather. They give you a big ego check when you come from another promotion and were successful. I believe that's what they were doing with him.

Hilarious descriptions from Hero, but this also makes me mad. Cesaro should be having main event battles with Rollins/Ambrose/Cena/Orton/etc. I'm cool with him teaming with Tyson, but this should have been something that already happened, leading up to Cesaro doing some headlining or something.

Kidd's character development though :smokin

Folks are too damn quick to dismiss Roman. That is all I'm going to say about that!

Still a Reigns fan here, but nobody can deny how non-organic his push is right now. i don't even mind that his laser tag gear, but it just seems like he's being neutered very fast. His development should parallel Batista. Batista had a slow burn that culminated in his face turn and HHH feud. The Shield had a gradually face turn, but the booking once they split was so off. It was about a month before Reigns even acknowledged him and Ambrose ever teamed before LOL.

Trish is my GOAT... Although I tend to prefer females with pigment, Trish was around during my puberty... I can remember jerking it so many times to her loading screen shot on Smackdown for ps2... Thank jebus for those ultra long loading times...

:rofl: :rofl: I'm not even mad, I used to save pics of Trina onto Wordpad, then scroll & fap while using the world's greatest hearing to make sure my parents didn't open doors and catch me
Anyone did that interactive Youtube game @22stylez posted?

Solved the mystery of Dolph's missing phone
, despite Scumbag Brie living up to her moniker and trying to lead me astray.
Hilarious descriptions from Hero, but this also makes me mad. Cesaro should be having main event battles with Rollins/Ambrose/Cena/Orton/etc. I'm cool with him teaming with Tyson, but this should have been something that already happened, leading up to Cesaro doing some headlining or something.

Kidd's character development though :smokin
Still a Reigns fan here, but nobody can deny how non-organic his push is right now. i don't even mind that his laser tag gear, but it just seems like he's being neutered very fast. His development should parallel Batista. Batista had a slow burn that culminated in his face turn and HHH feud. The Shield had a gradually face turn, but the booking once they split was so off. It was about a month before Reigns even acknowledged him and Ambrose ever teamed before LOL.
:rofl: :rofl: I'm not even mad, I used to save pics of Trina onto Wordpad, then scroll & fap while using the world's greatest hearing to make sure my parents didn't open doors and catch me

I did the same with trish when I was going through puberty! There were a few pics of her that did it for me. Had to use the worlds greatest hearing too :lol:

Also my gift was delivered today on someone's front porch. :nerd: did you get it???
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