Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Listening to Talk Is Jericho with Paul Heyman and Edge
I still insist that Rollins should've cashed in at Night of Champions and should be the reigning champion right now.  Since NOC, no wrestler (including Cena and Orton) has felt more important than Seth Rollins.

Roman Reigns should've been booked as a silent killer.  I just don't feel every main event wrestler needs to be a great talker (see: Undertaker, Sting).  They seem to want everyone to be The Rock which is a mistake.

If the WWE is smart, Rollins/Ambrose/Reigns for the  WWEWHC is the main event at WM31.  It's an easy story to tell based on their history and what difference does it make if the end result of WM is "make Reigns look really strong".

The only other match that would make sense as a main event at WM31 is if Daniel Bryan was healthy enough to participate in the Rumble, have him win it and slay the beast Brock Lesnar at WM31.
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Looking more towards a Seth face turn. His heel run has been good but when he talks, it's no heelish to me. His moveset is that of a face anyways.
Looking more towards a Seth face turn. His heel run has been good but when he talks, it's no heelish to me. His moveset is that of a face anyways.
I like Scumbag Seth but I could see him being a solid face. Either way he needs to keep the stooges for the foreseeable future. They're gold.
Scumbag Seth is the highlight of the main roster right now. He needs to lose to Ambrose at WM31 and cash in later that night on Roman after he beats Brock.
Dean hasn't won on a ppv since The Shield :smh:

His last few loses were caused by a hologram
And a monitor :smh:

Both were main event matches. Man they really do don't care about what the people want. Totally KILLIN the fact he was a top seller for merch on thanksgiving week
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Dean hasn't won on a ppv since The Shield :smh:

His last few loses were caused by a hologram
And a monitor :smh:

Both were main event matches. Man they really do don't care about what the people want. Totally KILLIN the fact he was a top seller for merch on thanksgiving week
Ruining the fact those two main events and programs could've been legendary if they booked them correctly. But instead we get a feud over a chair and a hell in a cell March with no psychology that gets overshadowed by 2pac.
Even though I dislike AJ, he's had a hell of a year. But, my wrestler of the year goes to Kyle O'reilly. This match was phenomenal.
I didn't care for Styles in TNA but his work since then has been top notch.

He's a good worker, I just don't like the guy because he tried to charge me money to take a picture with him. :smh:

And, he tried to argue with me about it too.
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One time Tony Todd argued with me about being paid for a photo.

I didn't take the picture. **** you Tony.
One time Tony Todd argued with me about being paid for a photo.

I didn't take the picture. **** you Tony.

seems like the more famous they are the cooler they are and the less famous they are the cheaper they are :lol:
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