Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

It's almost 2015....and Big Show vs Cena is the main event. Good lord
It's absurd and insulting. We've seen this match so many damn times. Plus a large percentage of Cena's Raw matches are the same format. Get washed. Do the "Cena Sequence... Aka 5 Moves of Doom" and voila. Happy little dumb *** kids and lots of angry adults
In before Rollins run in.
good call sir. :nthat:
JBL can't decide whether he's face or heel whenever he calls a Cena match
Dolph is a real homie. He came to help his friend in peril during the attack. Not after. Take notes John Cena...
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