Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Bray should've gone over. Feud was ok that ending wasn't. Plus they shouldn't have used that punk kid either.
Roman's great but them forcing it and the lack of an organic push has me indifferent to him.

Same here. I'm a fan, but good lord the WWE are an expert at killing interest and momentum.

Speaking of that, I'm very sure that Cena vs Bray was one of the most fitting literal burials in a long time. It's similar to Umaga. Usage got built up as a monster nearing the main event, Cena came calling, and Umaga never got to that level again (even if he was putting on good matches with Punk, Hardy and Morrison). Bray got it, and Rusev will soon get it.

Look at Cena massaging Big Show, no wonder they call it a sleeper

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I thought Bray/Cena feud was good. Just should've had Bray go over at WM30 to cement him as your newest monster heel.
Bray should've gone over. Feud was ok that ending wasn't. Plus they shouldn't have used that punk kid either.

:lol: @ punk kid. I agree though.

Speaking of that, I'm very sure that Cena vs Bray was one of the most fitting literal burials in a long time. It's similar to Umaga. Usage got built up as a monster nearing the main event, Cena came calling, and Umaga never got to that level again (even if he was putting on good matches with Punk, Hardy and Morrison). Bray got it, and Rusev will soon get it.

I don't see how Vince and Austin can say the roster is thin when they build up people just to feed them to Cena :smh:. The Wyatt's are glorified jobbers, said it a while back. They should've been running through the roster like Taker was, not losing every feud they're in :smh:.
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The same segments going on for a month. Not worth a minute of it to watch.

Damn I guess ill put this beer back in the fridge :lol:
I'm the same boat.... Except I'm drinking said beer... Magic Hat Snow Roller.... I don't think I'm even going to read ye results... I just don't care... Bout to put on Lucha Underground and start to catch up...

Also, I'm going to Beyond Wrestling at the end of the month.... I've heard they put on great shows, kinda PWGish with beer samples... I can't wait...
Anyone else get their wrestling fix from shoot interviews?

Also, wrestlers you hated at first but have now gone on to appreciate.

For me - Simon Dean. Hated the character at first but watching his segments on youtube, he's very entertaining. Some clever humor in there. He's a decent worker, too.

CM Punk also. First time I saw him on ECW I was hyped but he barely did notable for the first few years of his E career. I was losing hope. Everyone on the internet was saying he was one of the greatest but I hadn't seen him do anything spectacular. But then he started the feud with Hardy. That's when I saw what everyone was talking about. Miss that guy. Good luck in the UFC, tho.

Matt Hardy 1.0 - At first I hated him but looking back on it, he was a great mid card heel. A great feud was him and MVP. That was white hot but they killed both of their pushes after that. 

Your turn, NTWT!
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