Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Decided not to go, couldn't get the company loge, card was not appealing enough for me to purchase my own tickets.
As an Eagle fan truer words were never spoken. :smh: And damn Titty Bella looked great in that Divas ad. :evil:

Im an Eagles fan too but man we got the WORST secondary in the league. Theres teams out there with better bench secondary players that are better than our starters :smh:
And im still confused af as to why this match is on now and whats goin on last...
Taker gonna cost bray the match tonight?????

Naaaaaa Vince would beg him tho just to say he had the best show of the month even if every match sucks. "We had the undertaker God dammit"
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