Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

yall alrdy know who's winning...

Yo seth really deserves that mainia main event spot. He put in work this year and his character gets better with each fued
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Ravens fan checking in...
Jimmy Smith was doing well before he got hurt. Y'all at least have/had that.( And he went to High School with my lil bro) same school as me, Colton High. We have a few dudes in the NFL. But anyways. Philly's corners suck. Like worst level WCW/bad WWE forced comedy segment/Big Show vs Erick Rowan in a Stairs match type bad. :smh:
JBL always wet after a clothesline. Dude really loved his finisher. Imagine if okada was in the E
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