Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

Oct 15, 2000

Seems like everyone is having a good time with WWE 12.  I'll pick up the game this week.  Hopefully you guys aren't too good by that point.

GHIMS - What's the status of NTWT events?

I'm late getting the thread going, so I'll just hit the key points.

  • Hot Rod Rowdy Roddy Piper will open the show tonight with John Cena entering Piper's Pit.  I don't know why exactly Piper is coming back, but he has been great in the past when they let him talk on his own.  It would really be nice if Piper ripped into Cena to get more serious with his character, but I doubt that will happen.  Whatever happens, the end result will likely be The Miz getting involved to set up a match between Miz and Cena at TLC.
  • The Miz laid out R-Truth to end Raw last week.  We later found out that R-Truth failed a drug test for spice (synthetic weed) which led to a 30 day suspension.  The funny thing is that real weed only carries a $2,500 fine.  Anyway, we'll see if they play it off as an injury angle, or if Truth just disappears for 30 days like Evan Bourne has.
  • I literally forgot that CM Punk was defending the WWE Title against Alberto Del Rio tonight.  It was almost an afterthought last week.  With these two scheduled to face each other at TLC, I would think there is some type of disputed finish to set up either a ladder match or a TLC match in December.
  • Brodus Clay tweeted (and quickly deleted) that he would be debuting on Raw tonight to destroy John Morrison.  Morrison's is done with the company on Wednesday, so we'll see if he is used tonight and tomorrow to put talent over.  Normally when WWE wrestlers blurt out things on Twitter, WWE ends up dropping the storyline.
  • Mae Young has been brought in for Raw tonight.
  • Zack Ryder may or may not be getting his US Title match against Dolph Ziggler tonight.
  • HHH will be facing Kevin Nash at TLC, but I would think they would hype up HHH's return, so he probably won't be back until next week.
  • Smackdown is live tomorrow night, so a lot of tonight's show will be used to build tomorrow's show.  The only problem is that most of the Raw talent will be leaving for Japan in the morning, so tomorrow's Smackdown will largely just be the Smackdown roster.
I missed Smackdown on Friday, but heard I missed a really good show with Daniel Bryan cashing in Money in the Bank, only to have the decision reversed (and the briefcase returned).  Bryan then won a fourway to earn a title shot against Henry in a cage on tomorrow night's live Smackdown.  From what I heard, the reaction to Bryan winning the title was VERY underwhelming, which is a very bad sign for him going forward.  Shocking that that's what happens when a guy gets jobbed out for months.
NT Survivor Series Prediction Contest Results
We had 63 entries this month.  There were 995 total possible points.  The average was 408, so we didn't even crack the 50% mark.  I don't know that means the contest was difficult, or we just have better ideas of how to book the show than the WWE writers do.

Anyway, congratulations to our winner...... SoulSupreme!  A $10 donation will be made to the charity of his choice.

Myself and Biff both were at Survivor Series and put up poor showings, but we were no match for the horrendous performance of BOBtheHOE who was also at Survivor Series.

I will post the overall standing later today.  Things could get interesting with Rusty putting up a poor performance this month.  We only have one PPV left this year, so things are coming down to the wire.



Just one PPV left in 2011 boys.  It's coming down to the wire!
GHIMS in the lead?  Not even I could have predicted that.

I have updated the Google Docs NTWT PPV Prediction Contest spreadsheet:



WrestleMania Update
The top 3 matches for WrestleMania have been set.  This means:

  • The Rock vs John Cena
  • The Undertaker vs ??? (It has been 100% confirmed that The Undertaker will be back to wrestle at WrestleMania)
  • ??? vs ???
Despite talk of a Punk vs Austin match, it has been decided that Austin will not be used at this year's Mania because it would be seen as a waste because it would not increase the buyrate with a show already having The Rock.  While Austin vs Punk may happen at WrestleMania XXIX, Austin's first choice is to work with Brock Lesnar.
At work. Can't watch Raw live. FMjob

How does Clay spoil that? Idiot.

Hopefully somehow, someway, creative and Vincent gets their act together.
Yeah man.... Not looking forward to Raw...

on the other hand, I'll have my mom's honey bbq wings on deck so I won't be trippin
I generally do not get the appeal of Daniel Bryan. Small, no character/persona, and does nothing spectacular that grabs my attention. He looks like a stocky little brother of a woodsman who isn't athletic. I don't understand why he may be prominently featured soon/getting a push.

Advocates of this man... convince me.
Wish they would main event TLC with Ziggler v. Punk in a ladder match and have Punk win because Vickie's interference backfires. That way they could keep Ziggler heel and break him away from Vickie.
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Yeah man.... Not looking forward to Raw...

on the other hand, I'll have my mom's honey bbq wings on deck so I won't be trippin

I'll see you soon
*Exits house*
Originally Posted by Mister916

WWE 12 servers suck so bad 

Man I'm not bothering with the servers anymore at this point.

I'll try again later in the week.
trying to finish Hero Story in RTWM before RAW comes on. In the hell in a cell match at Starrcade getting heated at the game freezing 3 diff times.
Hey TOine, I'm gonna try to download your arena 4 more times. See if that will get you your trophy.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

trying to finish Hero Story in RTWM before RAW comes on. In the hell in a cell match at Starrcade getting heated at the game freezing 3 diff times.

That stinks. .
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

trying to finish Hero Story in RTWM before RAW comes on. In the hell in a cell match at Starrcade getting heated at the game freezing 3 diff times.

That stinks. .
i know. i didn't even know PS3/Xbox360 games still froze.
this sh got me feeling like i need to take the disc out and blow on it before putting it back in.
Originally Posted by Mister916

WWE 12 servers suck so bad 

Hell yea, I cant even take my time to search for things to download in community creations sections cuz there always a sudden possiblity of it getting randomly disconnected again smh. N @ 4wrestling: so Daniel Bryan has finally won da belt? Havent watched Smackdown in years so I rarely even follow it anymore. They need to jus move it back to Thursday cuz dat Friday night timeslot is horrible smh
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

trying to finish Hero Story in RTWM before RAW comes on. In the hell in a cell match at Starrcade getting heated at the game freezing 3 diff times.

That stinks. .
i know. i didn't even know PS3/Xbox360 games still froze.
this sh got me feeling like i need to take the disc out and blow on it before putting it back in.

OFF TOPIC:Feels bad.. my 2k11⅔.. always freeze when I play..I delete my game data. . and turn auto save off.. and now it work fine..
Originally Posted by Mister916

Hey TOine, I'm gonna try to download your arena 4 more times. See if that will get you your trophy.

Good looks.

If that works I'll do the same for your logo, if I can get onto Community Creations anytime soon.
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