Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

I was never a big hater of the cena era belt, just the spinning
but they need to change that belt 

maybe to this


or this

Punk ihas to be PO'd that they are wasting piper on Cena and not him

If I recall, he is a piper fan
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by StillIn729

letting John Morrison go will come back to haunt the WWE unless this is all part of storyline

He's garbage.  He's a gymnast, not a wrestler.  He has no charisma, no speaking skills.  And Vince thinks he's a @!$@@.
He'll go to TNA, burnout after a year, and be destined to working indies with his crazy girl.

Lol dam I agree wit everything jus said except him being garbage. His matches wit CM Punk while he was holding da WWECW title were pretty dam good n even his match against The Miz at da beginning of da year was good so I think he can hold his own in a ring cuz I've seen much worse than him lol
Cena needs to go film a movie or something
The WWEs been stagnant for years

I know this has been said 2345678909876543 times but still
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

I was never a big hater of the cena era belt, just the spinning
but they need to change that belt 

maybe to this


or this


i don't know why but i absolutely hated the unified championship belt. it was so small and bland. first time i saw brock with it around his waste i thought i was the light heavyweight championship. 
Right there with Cena and his make a wish mentions should stop everyone saying turn heel.

Will never happen
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Piper speaking the truth.  Cena not taking things seriously as usual.

What are you talking about?  Your hate blinds you.  Cena speaking the truth as well and being serious about it
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

I was never a big hater of the cena era belt, just the spinning
but they need to change that belt 

maybe to this


or this


i don't know why but i absolutely hated the unified championship belt. it was so small and bland. first time i saw brock with it around his waste i thought i was the light heavyweight championship. 

Yeah it was slim but it worked kinda.
Brock is on near Broly levels so it looked silly on him.

I'd rather have the top belt back.

But knowing that it will go back on cena eventually kinda ticks me off.
Sadly though, everything piper is saying is true and these are things we all know. Another WWE way of saying "Why do you guys hate John"
LOL is this Vince using Cena to tell the world he don't care what we think or want, he's gonna push and shove down our throats who he wants....
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