Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

One.....trophy.....away....from....Platinum. These servers are killing me
Originally Posted by Mister916

One.....trophy.....away....from....Platinum. These servers are killing me


You been putting in work.

How were those win X amount of times on hard in one session trophies?
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by Mister916

Hey TOine, I'm gonna try to download your arena 4 more times. See if that will get you your trophy.
Good looks.

If that works I'll do the same for your logo, if I can get onto Community Creations anytime soon.
Well I downloaded 2 more times so far and it's not updating.

edit: unless someone else downloaded it's at 2 now
. I also reviewed it and it isn't showing yet.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by Mister916

One.....trophy.....away....from....Platinum. These servers are killing me


You been putting in work.

How were those win X amount of times on hard in one session trophies?
I had 20 before I started playing today. Took me like 40 minutes for the rest of the 30. Also got Thank you Edge at the same time.
I downloaded sting and mr perfect caw.. was getting ready to download ric flair caw but the servers were down..
More Disappointing WWE Buyrates
The finalize #'s won't be out until WWE's Q4 report, but early numbers are in for the October PPV's and they aren't good.

Hell in a Cell did approximately 93,000 domestic.  This show was headlined by Alberto Del Rio defeating John Cena and CM Punk in Hell in a Cell.  This match featured the run-in by Awesome Truth leading to HHH losing the support of the WWE roster.  I don't have domestic #'s, but the 2010 show did 210,000 buys, and 2009 did 283,000, so this year's show won't come close to approaching those numbers.

Vengeance was even worse doing only 70,000 domestic buys making it one of the least bought shows of the year.  This show was headlined by HHH & CM Punk vs Awesome Truth and Del Rio vs Cena in a Last Man Standing Match.
letting John Morrison go will come back to haunt the WWE unless this is all part of storyline
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

More Disappointing WWE Buyrates
The finalize #'s won't be out until WWE's Q4 report, but early numbers are in for the October PPV's and they aren't good.

Hell in a Cell did approximately 93,000 domestic.  This show was headlined by Alberto Del Rio defeating John Cena and CM Punk in Hell in a Cell.  This match featured the run-in by Awesome Truth leading to HHH losing the support of the WWE roster.  I don't have domestic #'s, but the 2010 show did 210,000 buys, and 2009 did 283,000, so this year's show won't come close to approaching those numbers.

Vengeance was even worse doing only 70,000 domestic buys making it one of the least bought shows of the year.  This show was headlined by HHH & CM Punk vs Awesome Truth and Del Rio vs Cena in a Last Man Standing Match.
so basically vince is going to see this as "HHH's COO story was overshadowed by Miz and Truth causing loss of interest. No more taking focus off of HGH!!"

"No one wants to see Mark Henry or Alberto as champions. Keep the titles on baby faces like Punk, Cena and Orton at all times!"
Zack Ryder

Trunks (16,42,255)
Trunk Des. 1 (0,255,177)
Trunk Des. 2 (0,255,49)
Trunk Des. 3 (204,22,208)
Kneepads (16,45,255)
Kneepads Des. 1 (0,255,184)
Kneepads Des. 2 (204,22,208)
Kneepads Des. 3 (204,22,208)


Trunks (0,255,31)
Trunk Des. 1 (206,37,175)
Trunk Des. 2 (0,255,230)
Trunk Des. 3 (204,22,208)
Kneepads (0,255,28)
Kneepads Des. 1 (206,37,175)
Kneepads Des. 2 (16,0,255)
Kneepads Des. 3 (16,0,255)

Inspired by this attire

wrist tape (0,255,39)
Trunks (0,240,131)
Trunk Des. 1 (204,37,173)
Trunk Des. 2 (11,62,251)
Trunk Des. 3 (151,225,250)
Knee Pads (0,240,131)
Kneepads Des. 1 (204,37,173)
Kneepads Des. 2 (11,62,250)
Kneepads Des. 3 (11,62,251)

The King


Elbow Pad (0,77,164)
Wrist Tape (158,43,211)
Singlet (159,44,211)
Trunks (159,43,206)
Tights (0,255,255)
Tights Des. 1 (157,43,211)


Elbow Pad (157,77,174)
Wrist Tape (154,69,190)
Singlet (31,41,248)
Trunks (31,41,248)
Tights (154,56,255)
Tights Des. 1 (0,255,255) or the same color as the tights but you still see the outline of the crown
Boots (0,255,255)
Boots Des. 1 (0,255,0)


Tights (0,0,155)
Tights Des. 1 (7,229,184)
Originally Posted by fearthenut

I generally do not get the appeal of Daniel Bryan. Small, no character/persona, and does nothing spectacular that grabs my attention. He looks like a stocky little brother of a woodsman who isn't athletic. I don't understand why he may be prominently featured soon/getting a push.

Advocates of this man... convince me.



what just happened here
too many PPVs is part of the problem. Plus with the way they rush storylines its like you can skip 2-3 weeks of WWE plus a PPV or two and not really be lost, you can pick up on whats going on...
Originally Posted by StillIn729

letting John Morrison go will come back to haunt the WWE unless this is all part of storyline

it's not storyline. WWE likes to hold grudges will talent that have some how been associated with others that have caused problems for the company, whether or not that said talent happens to be good for the company, they don't care.
Finally able to get on Community Creations.

Just downloaded your NT logo 916.

Just got the You Got Fans trophy too.

Appreciate it fellas.
 Anyone need any help with that trophy let me know
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who downloaded. Download > Exit online > Delete item > Go back online and Download again. I repeated this for about 30 minutes
Originally Posted by 4wrestling


Not even mad.

[*]Smackdown is live tomorrow night, so a lot of tonight's show will be used to build tomorrow's show.  The only problem is that most of the Raw talent will be leaving for Japan in the morning, so tomorrow's Smackdown will largely just be the Smackdown roster.
So possible longer matches between a combo of Barrett, Bryan, Orton, Sheamus, Rhodes, and Mark Henry, sprinkled in with some Hunico/Epico/Primo & Justin Gabriel?
Once again, not even mad.

I think even a month or so ago, when those Brodus Clay promos were happening, everybody already knew he'd eventually debut against either Morrison or Santino.

Thought that just crossed my mind, does Vince have a back up plan(s) should Rock and/or Cena get hurt and can't work Mania...
Originally Posted by StillIn729

letting John Morrison go will come back to haunt the WWE unless this is all part of storyline

He's garbage.  He's a gymnast, not a wrestler.  He has no charisma, no speaking skills.  And Vince thinks he's a @!$@@.
He'll go to TNA, burnout after a year, and be destined to working indies with his crazy girl.
i respect and love the legends and HOF's that have graced the WWE but i get tired of seeing these guys appear once every 2-3 months for no reason what so ever basically because WWE wants some cheap ratings boosts and because some of these HOF's need a paycheck.

once again i'm not knocking any man that's just trying to get a legal dollar but ugh. 
I like where this is going so far with Piper.....
But now Cena has his stupid smirk on his face, so I'm expecting it to go downhill.
Originally Posted by masondid

Thought that just crossed my mind, does Vince have a back up plan(s) should Rock and/or Cena get hurt and can't work Mania...

Yeah, he'd hand Michaels or Austin a blank check
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