Wrestling Thread Feb 16-28 | 2/25 NTWT WWE Fastlane PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted

if bryan loses clean sunday what is his match at 31? god this sounds like shames interfering or something stupid with that turd.
cot ******* dammit

Poor Blue Pants


Agreed on Carmella looking especially good tonight. Blake and Murphy trying to pull her had me :rollin Blue Pants is so over. :hat Becky Lunch would get the biz.
so whats the deal with da rhino? i didn't watch this week's nxt yet.
Squashed a jabroni. They played up how NXT is the place where people are trying to jumpstart careers. They didn't really say if he'd be appearing regularly, but I doubt that anyways.
So if I want to start watching current nxt... how far back should I go to catch up. Have read nothing but great things about the current product.
Was a little busy this evening, bout to fire up some NXT :hat

Non-kayfabe:  I lived down the street from that place for a couple years.  The Peanut Butter Burger and Mac & Steez are really good.  So is the pulled pork.  I'd legit take you up on that if I still lived there.
Book it @Mr DragonFly Jones

Got you
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