Wrestling Thread Feb 16-28 | 2/25 NTWT WWE Fastlane PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted

Just for the record, @@BigEgo24 beat me for a replica belt, and I still have the original IC title, so I'll still be carrying the my IC as I wash 4w like a pair of dirty draws and win that briefcase.

Ain't neither of y'all's teams ****..

You guys need a warning before you guys can get your old bodies Outta the bag. It's time to dust those belts you guys have been holding and kindly hand it over. Or we can do it the hard way.
Big Ego vs. Green Rhino

Big Ego vs. The Green Rhino (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, from The Year 1937, The Green Rhino!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[The Green Rhino comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 240 pounds, from Pomona he holds the NTWT Intercontinental title belt, Big Ego!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Big Ego walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Big Ego gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Green Rhino.
Big Ego checks out the ring.
(ding, ding, ding) The Green Rhino hits Big Ego with a Baba chop.
Big Ego slaps the face of The Green Rhino.
Big Ego is back on his feet.
Big Ego uses a lariat on The Green Rhino.
Big Ego kicks The Green Rhino on the mat.

Club - Big Ego executes a stomp.

[Big Ego fist drops The Green Rhino on the mat.
Big Ego is up again.
The Green Rhino is back on his feet.
Big Ego get whipped into the corner and The Green Rhino follows himin with an avalanche.
Big Ego hits The Green Rhino with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - If Big Ego keeps using moves like that double underhook piledriver he could win the match!

[Big Ego and The Green Rhino go to the floor

Club - The Green Rhino will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
The Green Rhino gets back to his feet.
The Green Rhino bounces Big Ego off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor.
The Green Rhino gets up.
Big Ego bounces The Green Rhino off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
Big Ego executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Green Rhino.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
The Green Rhino is up again.
They head back into the ring.
Big Ego pokes The Green Rhino in the eyes.
The Green Rhino hits a jumping elbow hrust on Big Ego.
The Green Rhino hits Big Ego with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
The Green Rhino is back on his feet.
The Green Rhino measures Big Ego up and drops a closed fist.
Now The Green Rhino standing.
Big Ego gets hit with the shooting star press from The Green Rhino.
Referee Teddy Long makes the count.
Big Ego escapes.

had pants - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[The Green Rhino rakes the face of Big Ego in attempt to make a come back.
Big Ego is hooked in a full nelson.
Flying Tomahawk by The Green Rhino sends Big Ego down to the mat.
Big Ego is up again.
The Green Rhino is bounced off the ropes and hit with the rocker dropper.
Big Ego sends The Green Rhino to ringside.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Big Ego hits The Green Rhino with an elbowdrop.
Big Ego executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Green Rhino.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.
Big Ego neck snaps The Green Rhino.
The Green Rhino and Big Ego move back into the ring.
The Green Rhino slaps Big Ego.
Big Ego gouges The Green Rhino's eyes out.
Big Ego short-arm clotheslines The Green Rhino to the mat.
Big Ego measures The Green Rhino up and drops a closed fist.
Big Ego moves back to his feet.
The Green Rhino gets hit with the shooting star press from Big Ego.
Referee Teddy Long makes the count.
The Green Rhino escapes.

Gizmo The Cat - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[The Green Rhino climbs the turnbuckle and nails Big Ego with a flying bulldog.

Club - That flying bulldog was very good.

[The Green Rhino gets up.

Gizmo The Cat - The Green Rhino's momma would be proud!

[Big Ego gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Green Rhino.
The Green Rhino stomps Big Ego's head.
Big Ego gets knocked on the ground and The Green Rhino flips onto him.
The Green Rhino stands up.
The Green Rhino chops Big Ego.
The Green Rhino hits a running forearm smash on Big Ego's face.
Big Ego gets back to his feet.

had pants - This is quality sports entertainment!

[The Green Rhino goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Big Ego.
The Green Rhino gets up.
The Green Rhino climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Big Ego.
Big Ego punches The Green Rhino repeatedly.
Big Ego hits him with a back fist.
Big Ego with the Ego Crusher on The Green Rhino!
Big Ego catches The Green Rhino in the crucifx and goes for the pin.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, Big Ego!!!

@BigEgo24 pick a briefcase!






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I spelt my name wrong on purpose to spite the catman

jkjkjkjk jesse. Love you b i was joking

Randy MIGOS bike tonight

believe it

buying kfc right now bc blk history month
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