Wrestling Thread Feb 16-28 | 2/25 NTWT WWE Fastlane PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted

What was that 30 year old dude doin with that 15 year old asian girl in that segment.
What type of porn you watching
#1 Contenders Match for Tag Team Championship

Strong Stylez vs. Team Alpha (Non-Title Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Strong Stylez!!!

[Strong Stylez come to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and their opponents, the team of Team Alpha.

[Team Alpha walk to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this match. DragonFly executes a pumphandle suplex on Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling places DragonFly on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
(the bell rings) DragonFly comes from behind and bulldogs Sad Gosling.
22Styles tagged in by DragonFly.
Sad Gosling puts 22Styles in the achilles tendon hold.
Sad Gosling fist drops 22Styles on the mat.

Club - fist drop!

[Sad Gosling is up again.
Sad Gosling brings in JohnnyRedStorm for Team Alpha.
22Styles grabs JohnnyRedStorm's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine.
JohnnyRedStorm climbs to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm uses a lariat on 22Styles.
22Styles tags DragonFly.
JohnnyRedStorm executes a ropeflip hiptoss on DragonFly.
A flying shoulder block send DragonFly to the mat.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.
Now DragonFly standing.
DragonFly does a cartwheel and kicks JohnnyRedStorm in the face.
JohnnyRedStorm stands up.
JohnnyRedStorm kicks DragonFly in the back of the leg.
DragonFly brings in 22Styles for Strong Stylez.
DragonFly spins aroround JohnnyRedStorm's back and DDT's him into the mat.

had pants - This is just awefull! JohnnyRedStorm is being double teamed!

[DragonFly hits JohnnyRedStorm with a baba chop.
JohnnyRedStorm slaps DragonFly in the face.
JohnnyRedStorm is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm kicks DragonFly in the groin.
DragonFly gets hit with a back heel kick.

had pants - DragonFly takes a back heel kick.

[JohnnyRedStorm goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on DragonFly.
JohnnyRedStorm stands up.
22Styles tags in DragonFly.
DragonFly piledrives JohnnyRedStorm head first into the mat.
JohnnyRedStorm is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm gives DragonFly a reverse neckbreaker.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
JohnnyRedStorm makes the tag to Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling puts DragonFly in an arm grapevine submission.

Gizmo The Cat - DragonFly is being double teamed!

[DragonFly punches Sad Gosling repeatedly.
Sad Gosling throws DragonFly off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.
DragonFly is up again.
DragonFly short clothslines Sad Gosling.
DragonFly tags 22Styles.
Sad Gosling trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift 22Styles.
Sad Gosling gets up.
Sad Gosling hits a frog splash on 22Styles.

Gizmo The Cat - That frog splash was very good.

[Sad Gosling gets back to his feet.
Sad Gosling brings in JohnnyRedStorm for Team Alpha.
JohnnyRedStorm climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on 22Styles.
22Styles gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Sad Gosling.

had pants - 22Styles is being double teamed!

[22Styles punches Sad Gosling repeatedly.
22Styles holds Sad Gosling in the corner, choking him with his forearm.
Sad Gosling tackles 22Styles and pummels his head.
22Styles gets hit with the shooting star press from Sad Gosling.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2
22Styles kicks out.

Gizmo The Cat - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like 22Styles.

[22Styles is up again.
JohnnyRedStorm makes the tag to Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling bounces 22Styles off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Sad Gosling executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of 22Styles.

Club - 22Styles takes a flying knee drop.

[Sad Gosling goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on 22Styles.
22Styles tags DragonFly.
DragonFly hits a kneeling headbutt to Sad Gosling's groin.

Gizmo The Cat - kneeling headbutt!

[Sad Gosling moves back to his feet.
DragonFly brings in 22Styles for Strong Stylez.
22Styles clotheslines Sad Gosling.
Sad Gosling gets hit with a running powerslam by DragonFly

had pants - Come on ref! Do something!! Sad Gosling is being double teamed!

[DragonFly uppercuts Sad Gosling.

Club - Sad Gosling takes a uppercut.

[DragonFly nails Sad Gosling with a belly-to-back suplex.
DragonFly is back on his feet.
Sad Gosling tags in JohnnyRedStorm.
JohnnyRedStorm goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash.
JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet.
22Styles gets back to his feet.
JohnnyRedStorm hits a ropeflip moonsault on 22Styles.
JohnnyRedStorm gets up.
22Styles is up again.

had pants - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[JohnnyRedStorm brings in Sad Gosling for Team Alpha.
Sad Gosling gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles tags in DragonFly.
DragonFly picks up Sad Gosling and executes the cradle DDT.
22Styles holds Sad Gosling in the corner, choking him with his forearm.

Gizmo The Cat - This is just awefull! Sad Gosling is being double teamed!

[Sad Gosling gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
22Styles knocks Sad Gosling into Teddy Long taking out the referee.
22Styles holds Sad Gosling in the corner, choking him with his forearm.
Sad Gosling gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by 22Styles.
B Sox runs to the ring.
B Sox leg lariats Sad Gosling, sending him to the mat.
B Sox leg drops Sad Gosling.
Ordered is restored.
Teddy Long gets up.
DragonFly rolls onto Sad Gosling connecting with a knee.
DragonFly chokes Sad Gosling.
DragonFly knees Sad Gosling in the gut.
Sad Gosling gets hit with the Spear from DragonFly.
Referee Teddy Long reluctantly makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gizmo The Cat - The winners of this match, Strong Stylez!!!


Adapt or perish. Your boy had yall fooled. On to Midwest Connection.

22stylez 22stylez , @B Sox we shall make NTWT believe.
4w vs. Peep

4wrestling vs. Peep Game (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 247 pounds, from Houston, Peep Game!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[Peep Game comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Catmandu, 4wrestling!!!

[4wrestling walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. Peep Game executes a pumphandle suplex on 4wrestling.
4wrestling checks his boots.
(ring, ring, ring) 4wrestling gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Peep Game puts 4wrestling in an arm grapevine submission.
4wrestling trys for a tiger suplex but is unable to lift Peep Game.
Peep Game gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Now Peep Game standing.
4wrestling short lariats Peep Game.
4wrestling hits Peep Game with an elbowdrop.
4wrestling climbs to his feet.
Peep Game gets hit with a diving elbow smash from 4wrestling.
4wrestling with an illegal chokehold on Peep Game.

Club - choke hold!

[Peep Game gets hit with the shooting star press from 4wrestling.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
Peep Game escapes.

Gizmo The Cat - 4wrestling should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Peep Game stands up.
4wrestling discus punches Peep Game.
Peep Game climbs to his feet.
Peep Game picks up 4wrestling and front slams him on the mat.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
Peep Game slaps the face of 4wrestling.
Peep Game gets up.
Peep Game short clothslines 4wrestling.

had pants - short clothesline!

[4wrestling is up again.
Flying sommersault drop kick by 4wrestling puts him back in the match.

Club - 4wrestling with a flying sommersault dropkick.

[4wrestling gets back to his feet.
4wrestling measures Peep Game up and drops a closed fist.

had pants - fist drop!

[Peep Game gets hit with the shooting star press from 4wrestling.
The ref starts the count.
Peep Game escapes.

Gizmo The Cat - Not even close!

[Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game legsweeps 4wrestling.
4wrestling hits him with a back fist.

Club - 4wrestling executes a back fist.

[Peep Game hits 4wrestling with a heart punch.
Peep Game is bounced off the ropes and hit with the rocker dropper.
Peep Game gets hit with the shooting star press from 4wrestling.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Peep Game escapes.

had pants - 4wrestling almost won the match!

[4wrestling and Peep Game go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
Peep Game places 4wrestling on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
Peep Game chants start.
Peep Game takes 4wrestling into the ring.

Club - This is quality sports entertainment!

[4wrestling gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Peep Game.
Now Peep Game standing.
4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling kicks Peep Game in the groin.
4wrestling double underhook faceslams Peep Game hard to the Peep Game.
4wrestling kicks Peep Game on the mat.
Peep Game gets up off the ground and 4wrestling hits him with a flying dropkick.
4wrestling executes a corkscrew legdrop on Peep Game.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
Peep Game is back on his feet.
Peep Game does a cartwheel and kicks 4wrestling in the face.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
4wrestling tackles Peep Game.
Peep Game gets back to his feet.
Peep Game knifehand chops 4wrestling.

Gizmo The Cat - knifehand chop!

[4wrestling with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Peep Game.
Peep Game spinebuster bombs 4wrestling onto the mat.
Now 4wrestling standing.
Peep Game sends 4wrestling to ringside.

Club - 4wrestling will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

had pants - This is quality sports entertainment! Is this a great match or not?

†Axé - Yeah, you know it.

Peep Game puts 4wrestling on the top rope and executes a superplex.
4wrestling gets up.
4wrestling pulls Peep Game's hair.
4wrestling hits Peep Game with an earringer.
They fight into the aisle.
4wrestling and Peep Game move back to ringside.
They fight into the aisle.
4wrestling and Peep Game move back to ringside.
They fight into the aisle.
4wrestling and Peep Game move back to ringside.
They head back into the ring.
4wrestling punches Peep Game in the gut.
4wrestling neck snaps Peep Game.

Gizmo The Cat - 4wrestling with a neck snap.

[Peep Game executes a ropeflip hiptoss on 4wrestling.
Peep Game fist drops 4wrestling on the mat.
Peep Game moves back to his feet.
4wrestling climbs to his feet.
4wrestling gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
Peep Game applies an arm wrench to 4wrestling.

had pants - arm wrench!

[4wrestling moves back to his feet.
4wrestling trys for a snap suplex but is not strong enough to lift Peep Game.
4wrestling leaps up, swings around Peep Game and DDT's him onto the mat.

Gizmo The Cat - Good leaping swinging DDT by 4wrestling.

[Peep Game gets back to his feet.
4wrestling drags Peep Game to the floor.
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
4wrestling hits Peep Game with the Asai moonsault bodyblock.
4wrestling gets up.
4wrestling takes Peep Game into the ring.
4wrestling hits a running sommersault legdrop on Peep Game.
4wrestling executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Peep Game.
4wrestling is back on his feet.
Peep Game sets 4wrestling up and body slams him into the mat.
Peep Game leg drops 4wrestling.
Peep Game chants start.
4wrestling stands up.
Peep Game executes the Diced Pineapples Driver on 4wrestling!
makes the cover with a reverse cradle.
Referee Teddy Long makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

had pants - We've got ourselves a winner!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, Peep Game!!!

@Peep Game pick a case





Your reigning and defending IC Champ is enjoying a celebratory Dulce de Leche swisher with some InCredible Hulk OG as its contents. :smokin Rhino, you let pride (and JRS) hype you up. You're an endangered species man, that's why I didn't finish you off. I'm making the IC belt prestigious again... this recent streak I've ascended in all aspects and left dudes looking washed out like Peyton against the Colts in the playoffs. Not claiming to lose a Mizdow belt like @Peep Game :lol I'm just waiting to see who's my so called "competition." And I pick #1 for my briefcase.
MeanGene vs. PLVN

MeanGene vs. PLVN (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Miz's Front Porch, MeanGene!!! (crowd boos *********)

[MeanGene comes to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and his opponent, weighing in at 200 pounds,, PLVN!!! (crowd cheers **)

[PLVN walks to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this contest. MeanGene executes a pumphandle suplex on PLVN.
PLVN executes a pumphandle suplex on MeanGene.
(ding, ding, ding) MeanGene hiptosses PLVN.
MeanGene measures PLVN up and drops a closed fist.
MeanGene executes a corkscrew legdrop on PLVN.
MeanGene gets up.
MeanGene grabs PLVN and applies an arm wrench.
PLVN gets hit with the shooting star press from MeanGene.
Teddy Long counts.
PLVN kicks out.
PLVN moves back to his feet.
MeanGene rakes the face of PLVN in attempt to make a come back.

Club - MeanGene executes a face rake.

[MeanGene delivers a short-arm clothesline to PLVN.
PLVN is up again.
PLVN dropkicks MeanGene to the knee.
PLVN chants start.
PLVN gets back to his feet.
PLVN kicks MeanGene in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.
PLVN is back on his feet.
PLVN and MeanGene go to the floor

had pants - My God! MeanGene could be killed! They've moved to ringside, there's weapons there!!

[Teddy Long starts the count (.1)

Gizmo The Cat - PLVN is doing quite well at this point in the match.

PLVN jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on MeanGene.
Now PLVN standing.
MeanGene climbs to his feet.
MeanGene hits a kneeling headbutt to PLVN's groin.
MeanGene knees PLVN and rolls back to his feet.
They head back into the ring.
MeanGene knees PLVN and rolls back to his feet.
PLVN gets back to his feet.
PLVN takes MeanGene down with an Arabian Facebuster.

had pants - That Arabian Facebuster was very good.

[PLVN and MeanGene go to the floor
Teddy Long starts the count (.1)
MeanGene gets up.
MeanGene short lariats PLVN.

Club - MeanGene with a short lariat.

MeanGene jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on PLVN.
MeanGene goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on PLVN.
PLVN body slams MeanGene.
PLVN chants start.
PLVN goes off the top nailing MeanGene with a flying elbow drop to the gut.
They head back into the ring.
PLVN climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on MeanGene.
Now PLVN standing.
PLVN hits MeanGene with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
PLVN uses a legsweep faceslam to bring MeanGene down.
MeanGene gets hit with the shooting star press from PLVN.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gizmo The Cat - PLVN has won the match!

Gizmo The Cat - The winner of this match, PLVN!!!

@PLVN pick a case




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