Wrestling Thread Feb 16-28 | 2/25 NTWT WWE Fastlane PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted

Your reigning and defending IC Champ is enjoying a celebratory Dulce de Leche swisher with some InCredible Hulk OG as its contents. :smokin Rhino, you let pride (and JRS) hype you up. You're an endangered species man, that's why I didn't finish you off. I'm making the IC belt prestigious again... this recent streak I've ascended in all aspects and left dudes looking washed out like Peyton against the Colts in the playoffs. Not claiming to lose a Mizdow belt like Peep Game Peep Game :lol: I'm just waiting to see who's my so called "competition." And I pick #1 for my briefcase.


You just earned yourself a contract for a US Title Match whenever you'd like! Unification match incoming? :nerd:

Scrolled all the way to the bottom for the finish:

Choke, knee to gut, spear

Dude gave me a three move combo to win :smh:

I wanted that finish to be as Reigns-like as possible :lol:
Midwest Connection vs. Rob & Big Savage

Midwest Connection vs. Rob & Big Savage (Non-Title Match)

Gizmo The Cat - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Midwest Connection!!!

[Midwest Connection come to the ring. ]

Gizmo The Cat - and their opponents, the team of Rob & Big Savage.

[Rob & Big Savage walk to the ring. Teddy Long is the referee for this match. Casekicks executes a pumphandle suplex on CelticsPride .
CelticsPride tests out the ropes.
(ding, ding, ding) Casekicks puts CelticsPride in the achilles tendon hold.
Casekicks is back on his feet.
CelticsPride tags Rob P Zee.
CelticsPride suplexes Casekicks.
Rob P Zee grabs Casekicks's leg and takes him down.

had pants - This is just awefull! Casekicks is being double teamed!

[Rob P Zee grabs Casekicks by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder.
Casekicks gets tiger suplexed by Rob P Zee.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
jdcurt tagged in by Casekicks.
jdcurt moves back to his feet.
jdcurt slaps Rob P Zee in the face.
jdcurt is up again.
jdcurt bounces Rob P Zee off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat.
jdcurt is up again.
Rob P Zee gets hit with the shooting star press from jdcurt.
Teddy Long counts the pin.
Rob P Zee escapes.

Club - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Rob P Zee gets up.
jdcurt hits Rob P Zee with an earringer.

Gizmo The Cat - earringer!

[jdcurt short clothslines Rob P Zee.
Rob P Zee gets knocked on the ground and jdcurt flips onto him.
jdcurt gets back to his feet.
Rob P Zee places jdcurt on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex.
Now Rob P Zee standing.
Rob P Zee executes a flying headbutt on jdcurt.

had pants - I wish every match could be like this!

[jdcurt brings in Casekicks for Midwest Connection.
Casekicks gets knocked on the ground and Rob P Zee flips onto him.

Gizmo The Cat - flip!

[Rob P Zee gets back to his feet.
jdcurt tagged in by Casekicks.
Rob P Zee goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on jdcurt.
jdcurt moves back to his feet.
jdcurt discus punches Rob P Zee.
jdcurt makes the tag to Casekicks.
Casekicks hits a koppo kick on Rob P Zee.

Club - koppo kick!

[Casekicks makes the tag to jdcurt.
Casekicks knee drops Rob P Zee.
Rob P Zee gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Casekicks.
jdcurt applies an arm wrench to Rob P Zee.

Gizmo The Cat - Come on ref! Do something!! Rob P Zee is being double teamed!

[jdcurt hits Rob P Zee with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
jdcurt stands up.
jdcurt stomps Rob P Zee's head.
Rob P Zee delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb send jdcurt hard to the mat.
Rob P Zee puts jdcurt in the cobra clutch.
The referee is checking the situation.
... Rob P Zee tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Rob P Zee tightens the hold. ... Rob P Zee tightens the hold. jdcurt escapes.

had pants - What an outstanding match!

[Rob P Zee jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing jdcurt with an Asai Moonsault.
Rob P Zee climbs to his feet.
Rob P Zee climbs to the second turnbuckle and moonsaults onto jdcurt.
jdcurt sets Rob P Zee up DDTs him into the mat.
jdcurt climbs to the top rope and nails Rob P Zee with a reverse flying elbow drop.
jdcurt Choke Slams Rob P Zee. Rob P Zee looks to be out cold!
Rob P Zee gets hit with the shooting star press from jdcurt.
Teddy Long counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

Gizmo The Cat - The winners of this match, Midwest Connection!!!

@jdcurt2 pick a case







I wasn't even tagged in...
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