Wrestling Thread Feb 20-26 | 2/24 Beware, There is a Criminal (Lobo) Lurking in this Thread


whoooo that was beautiful. Why don't dudes get hype like that anymore during their promos?

I feel like I say some retrospective +##! like this every week but damn g, these wrestlers nowadays really want the fame and glory without giving up every drop of sweat, blood, and ounce of energy necessary to earn it.

Yeah, I stole that from the Rock's promo before WM 17 but !!*!, it was that damn good.

Hunter was right when he said these dudes aren't like "us" SMFH
Edit: and that second promo, when he says, "if you listen you can hear all The Rock's fans chanting his name"--THE CROWD @%+%@@$ DOES IT. 

Nobody controls the crowd like that anymore, not a guy in the back from this modern era can dictate to a crowd like that, !*!! man I'm sad. 
Why does 4W take so long to start new weekly threads? l sure hope the ratings pop for these next 6 weeks so that the idiots who hate on Rock feel it when he leaves!!!
Originally Posted by ESyDC

Why does 4W take so long to start new weekly threads? l sure hope the ratings pop for these next 6 weeks so that the idiots who hate on Rock feel it when he leaves!!!

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]in my head, i read it like a 6 year old kid whining for some juice. shut your damn mouth and wait patiently or write one up yourself.[/color]
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by ESyDC

Why does 4W take so long to start new weekly threads? l sure hope the ratings pop for these next 6 weeks so that the idiots who hate on Rock feel it when he leaves!!!

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]in my head, i read it like a 6 year old kid whining for some juice. shut your damn mouth and wait patiently or write one up yourself.[/color]
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