Wrestling Thread Feb 22-28 | 2/26 Smackdown - Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches

The heel announcer gimmick is not for you Cole.  Shut your pansy +*$ up.

Danielson had a nice showing. He and to a lesser extent Otunga have the most potential out of all these rookies.

Lion Tamer sighting.
I was skeptical about this entire show, but I think it has some potential, I love this rookie/pro concept all the way down to the commentary with Cole sort of having a heelish tone with him putting over respect and how to treat the mentors, whereas Josh was sticking up for the rookies. I hope NXT stays NXT for now and none of these storylines spill over into RAW/SmackDown just yet. I liked it...

LOL @ Jericho putting Daniel in the OG Lion Tamer.
NXT isn't that bad. Then again, it's only the first week, and WWE has the tendency to stop caring about stuff after a few weeks. That said, Jericho vs. Danielson (I will never call him Daniel Bryan) was a nice match. Seeing the OG Liontamer was great bonus too.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

i'm hating michael cole even more after this match
Thought I was alone, dude was ripping Bryan's personality when his is much worse 
"Vintage Orton", "The Viper Strikes!" or how about the classic "ha ha ha" fake laughter 
that welt gona be a big black nblue tomorrow

enjoyed the show....thought i would see more submission moves from bryan seeing as he said he was an expert
I cant understand how WWE could come out w/ NXT and do such a good job pushing talent but fail at it time after time on RAW.

Watch otunga and daniel bryan become bigger stars then evan bourne and jack swagger
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

NXT isn't that bad. Then again, it's only the first week, and WWE has the tendency to stop caring about stuff after a few weeks. That said, Jericho vs. Danielson (I will never call him Daniel Bryan) was a nice match. Seeing the OG Liontamer was great bonus too.
Really enjoyed the show.

Glad to see that it appears the WWE has big plans for Danielson.

I think someone already said this but I can see Punk's rookie keep getting squashed until he accepts the straightedge lifestyle and then he starts taking off.

at Matthews telling Cole he is despised by the entire WWE Universe
hmmmm intersting info on paul bearer being in the next smackdown game .........(looks at the crystal ball)

ahaa!!!!......there it is
NXT was entertaining.

- the new camera angle was cool
@ Cole venting about the internet, coming off as heel, and getting sonned by Josh
- Danielson needs to get rid of the Bob Backlund tights
Four names have been added to the FCWwrestling.com online talent roster this week:

G-Rilla– George Murdoch. The 6’3
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Son got buried, his career is over.
lol come to think of it, dude didn't even get to cut a promo.  CM Punk cut the promo during the way to the ring.  This dude might as well pack it up and head on out now
Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

Also, I CANNOT STOP watching that HBK/Taker promo, I want WWE to produce my wedding, child birth, & funeral videos.

I suck at embedding so here is a link...

I got you...

http://www.youtube.com/v/oYkPFXmnjM4&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&borderhttp://www.youtube.com/v/oYkPFXmnjM4&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border http://www.youtube.com/v/oYkPFXmnjM4&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1http://www.youtube.com/v/oYkPFXmnjM4&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1 http://www.youtube.com/v/oYkPFXmnjM4&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1http://www.youtube.com/v/oYkPFXmnjM4&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1


I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing this. 2nd best video package I've seen from the 'E...the GOAT will always be the Rock vs. Stone Cold Wrestlemania 17 "My Way" joint...
i knew Otunga looked familiar. He's Punk from I Love New York. Dude is living the life. Harvard grad, was on a reality show, Married to Jennifer Hudson, trained in wrestling by the great Norman Smiley (
) and destroying jobbers in NXT.
NXT surpassed my expectations. Danielson vs Jericho
I hope Wade Barret can wrestle because I love dude on the mic already. Darren Young getting squashed without a video package, Justin Gabriel at the end giving this face "Welp..me and Skip didn't get to do anything this week.."

Hopefully the reality concept only goes as far as getting to know the guys a bit like those video packages. Good stuff, I enjoyed it.
Spoiler [+]
The Superstars apron is still on so I think this was only for the live crowd. But, just in case, Batista came out and said that he’s heading to Raw. Teddy Long came out and said that he can go but tonight he will defend the WWE Title vs. Edge. It may be a dark match.
- After that, they changed over the ring apron.- Chris Jericho cut a promo saying he’s the best and didn’t deserve what happened on Monday. Edge comes out and talked about how he’s always spearing Jericho. Jericho hit Edge with the mic but Edge speared him again.
- Dolph Ziggler d. John Morrison & R-Truth in a Triple Threat to qualify for MITB. Morrison hit Starship Pain on Truth but Ziggler pulled Morrison out and covered Truth.
- Michelle McCool d. Mickie James to win the Women’s Title. Vickie Guerrero was the referee. She slapped James while she had McCool rolled up and McCool hit a head kick to win.
- Kane d. Drew McIntyre with a kick to the head while Drew was on the ground to qualify for MITB. Drew had cut a promo before the match saying he’d stay undefeated. I guess not.
- Miz came out and cut a promo saying that he The Big Show need opponents for WrestleMania. He told Teddy Long to work on that. Long came out and said that since Show isn’t here tonight will be singles action. It’s Miz vs. Edge tonight.
- Shelton Benjamin d. CM Punk to qualify for MITB. Rey distracted Punk, who turned around into Paydirt.
- Edge d. Miz with The Spear. It was a good back and forth match.Edge said that he doesn’t want to wait. He wants Batista for the dark main event now!

Dark Match Main EventEdge d. Batista by DQ when Jericho hit The Codebreaker. Matt Hardy, CM Punk and kane all also hit finishers on each other for fun I guess.
Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

I was skeptical about this entire show, but I think it has some potential, I love this rookie/pro concept all the way down to the commentary with Cole sort of having a heelish tone with him putting over respect and how to treat the mentors, whereas Josh was sticking up for the rookies. I hope NXT stays NXT for now and none of these storylines spill over into RAW/SmackDown just yet. I liked it...

LOL @ Jericho putting Daniel in the OG Lion Tamer.
I think this would have worked much better if anyone actually respected Michael Cole.
One of my co-workers says that Darren Young is actually white despite how dark he is. I'm like: "No way, man. No way." Still got me thinking about it, though, because it would explain a lot.
[/spoiler] so mcintyre n morrison probably face each other again at mania, some sort of stipulation, possibly ladder[/spoiler]
Young was at fault for the spinebuster botch, he jumped too early, but it's understandable to be skeptical when the only real move in a squash is botched. Let's hope Coachtista gets a real match next week. I liked Tarver better though.

Spoiler [+]
Ziggler in MITB
I swear one of these times he's going to win it and I'm going to be livid.
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