Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

If Goldberg were to come back...it would probably be a one night only Wrestlemania match or something.

Besides..Goldberg during his WCW run >>>>> WWE Goldberg

In WCW he was protected and made to look unstoppablle but in WWE his limitations were quickly shown up against the Rock and HHH. Dude just wasn't that good IMO.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by JPTHE3


we know who the moron of the month is and we are only 1 day into march

Originally Posted by Red Is On NT

Originally Posted by bkmac

Looking back at that match, the things Vince did for this company when he was physically able to... my God
Wholeheartedly agree with you on this.

I was worried about Vince after this fall he took from the cage.

At the 2:20 mark.

The way he landed...

Vince actually broke his tailbone on that fall, and then continued the match. So much respect for Vince and all the bumps he took. He never had to do any of that. Boss.
Originally Posted by Red Is On NT

Originally Posted by bkmac

Looking back at that match, the things Vince did for this company when he was physically able to... my God
Wholeheartedly agree with you on this.

I was worried about Vince after this fall he took from the cage.

At the 2:20 mark.

The way he landed...
- the way his back hit the spanish announce table AND then the table colllapsed...smh..that had to hurt like a B.

at "Paul White" from under the ring

at all the birds and double birds

- more
@ the finish...what a match
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

If Goldberg were to come back...it would probably be a one night only Wrestlemania match or something.
Besides..Goldberg during his WCW run >>>>> WWE Goldberg
In WCW he was protected and made to look unstoppablle but in WWE his limitations were quickly shown up against the Rock and HHH. Dude just wasn't that good IMO.
For real. You remember the Rock vs Goldberg match at Backlash 03 (I think)? Rock did everything he could to make Goldberg look 
good and get the crowd fully on his side, but there was no way that was gonna happen
WWE needs to give this guy another run

"I'm hoping against hope that I get back to wwe. I've cleaned up my drug habbits which has helped me out immensely. Even if I never wrestle again it's just good for me mentally.- Brian Kendrick"

Source:lowdown unlimited radio(about 29 mins into the interview)
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

WWE needs to give this guy another run

"I'm hoping against hope that I get back to wwe. I've cleaned up my drug habbits which has helped me out immensely. Even if I never wrestle again it's just good for me mentally.- Brian Kendrick"

Source:lowdown unlimited radio(about 29 mins into the interview)

Even if they don't do anything with him, he at least has value as a supplemental talent like a Heath Slater who can just bump around and make others look good.
Well if they ever decide to bring Kendrick back, they should immediately put Big Zeke back with him and
act like nothing has changed
Bring him back under The Brian Kendrick gimmick.

His theme was ill, too.

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Bring him back under The Brian Kendrick gimmick.

His theme was ill, too.

bring him and wgtt back.
have him with zeke

shelton and hass

ziggler and swagger

hero and castagnoli

throw in some filler teams and revive the tag division
I gotta give dude some credit, he is actually livin' his gimmick..Kinda reminds me of the old days when wrestlers actually cared about how fans saw them outside of the ring..
Definitely been an Otunga fan since the gimmick change. He can't really wrestle still but his lawyer geek gimmick has made him an interesting character.

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Definitely been an Otunga fan since the gimmick change. He can't really wrestle still but his lawyer geek gimmick has made him an interesting character.


   you voluntarily added *slurp* there

Can we just skip the formalities and add me to the main event as well to make the match somewhat credible?
Normally I fast forward through most of Impact. But this Eric Young dude is funny as hell. I love it when he randomly locks up with the referee. Bring him to WWE to team up with Santino. It would be gold.
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