Wrestling Thread Feb 27-Mar 4 | 3/4 ROH 10th Anniversary Show iPPV - Briscoes vs Young Bucks (p36)

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Shane'O Mac was really the best thing going.  I miss Pete Gas, Joey Abs and crew. 
I loved when they kept trying to win the hardcore title frm Crash Holly, and when Test destroyed all 3 of them during his feud with British Bulldog
Shane McMahon as a character was ok. Shane McMahon involved in anything physical sucked. Bad.
Really the only (solo) Shane McMahon matches that sucked were vs Big Show and vs Kane...so yea, he was surprisingly pretty good.
But when he came back in the Orton feud....
the punches he threw
Originally Posted by Red Is On NT

Originally Posted by Peep Game

But when he came back in the Orton feud....
the punches he threw
Those punches had me rolling.

this is burned in my head! Like, where was he punching, and I really wanna know what Orton was thinking 
as those punches never connected in any way
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Red Is On NT

Originally Posted by Peep Game

But when he came back in the Orton feud....
the punches he threw
Those punches had me rolling.

this is burned in my head! Like, where was he punching, and I really wanna know what Orton was thinking 
as those punches never connected in any way
divine intervention..
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Where is NiNong(sp?) when you need him?
Trying to recoup the surgery costs.

WHAS TV in Louisville reports that John "J-Milz" Miller has filed a lawsuit against Clinton "Guido Andretti" Woosley over a lost testicle. Miller lost the testicle via surgery after getting kicked in his junk by Woosley during a wrestling match in June 2011 for Coliseum Championship Wrestling. Woosley allegedly "went off script" and legitimately kicked Miller during the match. The surgery cost Miller $20,000.

Hope all goes well for my dude.
CM Punk was asked who his least favourite opponent was recently and responded:

“Good question. I always get who’s your favorite opponent. This is great because I enjoy talking trash. 

My least favorite opponent; does anyone even remember Elijah Burke? Oh, he was terrible. He is absolutely the worst. Absolutely the worst. Talk about a diva. Man oh man, sorry if you liked him.â€

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Shane McMahon as a character was ok. Shane McMahon involved in anything physical sucked. Bad.

I agree with 4W. It always seemed like he was doing these ridiculous bumps to show that he wasn't above doing them.
- The Undertaker is no longer listed as appearing on Monday's RAW Supershow from Boston. The show was original scheduled feature Taker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels and The Rock.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by redsoxmike2000

Originally Posted by hombrelobo
easily my favorite act in all of wrestling today...

so why doesn't the WWE get these guys on RAW...bring some life into the roster

PG Briscoes would not nearly be as entertaining unfortunately.

Edit: Just read this...

-- According to sources, WWE is interested in Jay and Mark Briscoe. As of right now, they are both under contract to Ring of Honor.
Originally Posted by ROBPZEE612


Someone should put a caption on this gif.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]don't ever post in here again...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]A censored version would be cutting the balls off of the briscoe's. It would be worse than what happened to the Dudley's.[/color]
If the WWE brought in the Briscoes and used these type of promos as vignettes, the Tag Team division could possibly be back. JK. If they were brought in, they'd beat Primo & Epico after a month or less of being on tv, then would be getting their *%$*% kicked by someone like The Big Show for no reason. Tag teams are booked horribly because they aren't given any time on the mic so nobody really knows their true purpose, and they never come out on top. Tag Teams should not be getting destroyed by one guy, at all. Tag Teams, especially the champions are supposed to be dominant as a team, nearly impossible to beat by any team that is just put together on a whim. What happened to these kind of tag teams? The last one I remember that established any sort of dominance was Team Angle/WGTT. This brings me to a larger issue:
A huge problem with the WWE is that the people who spend the most time talking, are people who don't even wrestle.

If you just had wrestlers cutting promos, or having backstage interviews before matches--instead of showing Eve interacting in the back, or showing John Laurinitis in his office so much, people would be able to decide who they want to get behind. Nowadays, dudes are just thrown into the mix with no rhyme no reason--and once they're title holders, they never say a !+!#%%# word. They just show up on RAW, struggle, eek out a win, then on to the next opponent on Smackdown. Like, what? Whole time it leaves me wondering why in the hell these dudes are champions to begin with.

Another thing I remember about back in the day are squash matches. People like The Miz, Jack Swagger, and other midcarders could benefit big time from squashing guys like Heath Slater, and Alex Riley. 

Nobody takes them seriously because all they do is fight against people like John Cena or CM Punk, get in like 7 moves, and get their *%$*% whooped. There's no mystery as to who will come out on top. This weakness is impossible to overlook. Like when R-Truth was feuding with John Cena, I don't remember him looking very strong. Did "the powers that be" think that people would actually wanna watch Capital Punishment just so Cena could get revenge on Truth for getting hit in the head with a waterbottle?

%%** no.

Bring back promos and vignettes, enough focus on characters who don't wrestle, and bring back squash matches every now and then. %%**, it really can't be that difficult. 

Not really sure if this rant followed logically, but I just wanted to say all of these things.
- TNA Star Hulk Hogan told "The One Wrestling Show," that The Rock should do what's right for business and let John Cena beat him at WrestleMania 28.

- Ring of Honor has blocked top talent Adam Cole, Jay & Mark Briscoe signing contracts with WWE according PWTorch.com.
Adam Cole appeared on the WNS Podcast a while back.

- It was believed for a long while that The Undertaker would retire at WrestleMania 28 taking his record to 20-0 however the internal belief is Taker will work one match per-year, likely at WrestleMania. His upcoming WrestleMania match against Triple H in April will be telling on how his body holds up as in the past year he has had shoulder and hip surgeries. His weight is believed to be in the 275-280 pounds region.

- In an interview on ESPN radio on 2/22, Shaquille O’Neal noted AGAIN that he will be part of this year's WrestleMania event. WWE publicly denied that O'Neal would have any involvment in the show and it has been annouced that Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes had been added to the card, so it does not appear that O'Neal/Show will be featured in any kind of celebrity fued.

- The current plan for the 2012 Hall of Fame, is for Edge and the Four Horseman to be the main event inductions that air on USA broadcast which will air prior to RAW on Monday 2, April. Two names yet to be annouced as inductees are Mill Mascaras and Yokozuna.

One issues that still remains is how WWE will use Ric Flair at the event. Flair is of course contracted to TNA and it is beleieved that he has no clearance to attend, although that should be granted by TNA and no doubt with terms. Those terms might include not featuring Flair on stage, speaking or appearing in any form on the televion broadcast and/or DVD.
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