Wrestling Thread Feb 6-12 | 2/12 TNA Against All Odds PPV | BREAKING NEWS - RUSSO OUT (p55)

Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by YardFather

At least you guys have NBA teams to root for

If you had to root for the Kings and the Knicks every season, you'd be glad to have no team to root for

Well there's talk Seattle might be getting your Kings in the near future

I'm diggin this new DVR. I turned on Raw last night at like 10:30 and caught up in about 7 minutes.

Didn't like Punks silence. Especially didn't like Jericho screaming "YOU"RE NOT GUNNA TALK TO ME?!!" afterwards.
I find it hard to believe that the WWE can't even string together 2 straight weeks of a quality RAW
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Did not realize a bunch of greatness haters were in this thread

This bum had his hands in his pants the entire 2nd half.  Dude was his typical ghost self and didn't show up when the game was on the line.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by theDEEK

I wonder how big show feels being stuck into so many celebrity matches for Wrestlemania rather than real matches.

Any kinda WM payday is better than no WM payday.

Plus I'm sure WWE considers these matches to be pretty high profile. I'm betting Show loves these matches.

I personally am looking forward to seeing Shaq working with WWE. 
Exactly.  Show is getting huge paydays from these matches.  Show/Shaq will be the #3 profile match on WM.  Show would never be in this big of a match otherwise.
So is Shawn returning to announce he is the special guest referee for the undertaker hhh match?

Or to just give John Laurenitis some Sweet Chin Music while him and Triple H humiliate him DX PG style?
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Definitely building up to this being the final Undertaker Wrestlemania

It'd still make me upset to know that HHH gets that honor though.

I think he might have two more in him. 
One possibly for Sting and one for Brock. 

If Taker can go next year, there will 100% be a Taker/Brock match.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

know i'm late but i just finished watching last week's impact.
it's crazy how the change of an arena makes tna feel more like a legit wrestling program.
impact zone and it's crowd really does suck the entertainment out of the show.

i was watching the whole time thinking "i've never seen so many camera angles on a TNA show".
Yeah, enjoy it this week because I doubt they'll be outside of the Impact Zone for a long time.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

when's the last time sheamus actually cut a promo.
why should anyone care about dude being a champion outside of squashing mid carders and yelling loudly.

Exactly. I don't take him seriously.  He's way too cartoony of a character.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Originally Posted by brasilianmami


the camera shot of the crowd though!!!
Originally Posted by ao17

That camera man is getting canned tonight. 

Just Chillin'
Spoiler [+]


WWE doesn't understand.  People aren't just going to care about Tamina because she wins a few Divas matches.  Why?  Because wins and losses don't mean anything in WWE, especially in Divas matches that last 47 seconds.  Unless you give these *+@!#+ a character for people to care about (not farting), crowds are going to continue to react like this.

And why is there no mention of Kharma?  Things are obviously setting up for a Beth and Kharma program, but you sure as hell wouldn't know she returned at the Rumble thanks to these announcers.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Over 9000 commercials.
Terrible video packages.
No good matches.

This RAW was terrible.


What the hell is up with WWE'S characters? Why is everyone so beta?

Last week Cena beats up on Kane and he ran away like a %+*%%.

Jeritroll comes out, calls out Punk, Punk comes in, is practically LETTING him hit him with the mic, but walk out scot free.

Big Show ALMOST ran over AJ AGAIN, because we all LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE romance angles; and DickbuttByran just walks out, like a %+*%%.

Goddammit I miss the glorious past time of WWE where everybody just $*@*% others +*$! up. Today it's all, "I'M GONNA DO SOMETHING, BUT I'M TOO MUCH OF A %+*%%"

*%#% this beta-era.

Spoiler [+]
IN b4 alpha male comments.

Spoiler [+]
Because it's wrong to bully people
You're right though, it's awful.  Outside of Cena and Orton, everyone looks like cowards.
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

So is Shawn returning to announce he is the special guest referee for the undertaker hhh match?

Or to just give John Laurenitis some Sweet Chin Music while him and Triple H humiliate him DX PG style?

Don't know what they have planned, but it's definitely too early to announce him as the special guest ref.  Well, it's too early if this was booked logically.  WWE will probably say Shawn Michaels is trending on Twitter so he is now the special guest ref.
From WWE.com -

Following John Laurinaitis' presentation on Monday, the WWE Board of Directors has decided that the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations will remain as Interim General Manager of Monday Night Raw. See "Mr. Excitement's" argument for keeping him on the job.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

I find it hard to believe that the WWE can't even string together 2 straight weeks of a quality RAW
You'd think otherwise if you've been watching anything post-2002
Why does Orton seem to be, for lack of a better term, jobbing lately? What is he doing as a tag partner with Kahli?
[h1]Wade Barrett Addresses NT[/h1]
Wade Barrett tweeted the following regarding negative fan feedback on his new theme: "If people keep telling me how much they hate my new music, i'll change it. I REALLY respect the opinion of other people. I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than hear End of Days again."
[h1]Update: R-Truth Not Injured In RAW[/h1]
As seen during the Six-Pack Challenge on Monday's RAW SuperShow, R-Truth flipped over the top rope which was to have led to The Miz breaking his fall. The Miz, however, failed to catch R-Truth and therefore landed on his back onto the matted floor. The announce team stated that medical staff determined he was unable to continue to compete; he was assisted to the backstage area during the commercial break.
Joey Styles tweeted the following after RAW:

He wrote, "Breaking News! Somehow, @RonKillings is OK and has no injuries after flipping over the top rope, missing @MikeTheMiz and hitting the floor."

[h1]Triple H Yells At The Miz Backstage At RAW[/h1]
During the Six-Pack Challenge on Monday's RAW SuperShow, R-Truth attempted a slingshot somersault onto The Miz but his fall was not absorbed due to the former WWE Champion being out-of-position. R-Truth ended up falling back-first onto the floor, causing his head to whip back. At that point, the referee decided R-Truth was no longer able to compete and personnel assisted him to the locker room area.
WWE.com has confirmed that R-Truth avoided serious injury after suffering the fall. The basic outline of the match remained the same but adjustments were made from what was initially planned.

As noted earlier, The Miz is being blamed for the errant spot and there was a ton of heat on him from company officials, including Triple H, backstage after the show. The WWE Executive Vice President of Talent "loudly disciplined" The Miz in front of wrestlers as soon as he returned to the back.

The Miz has been on a losing streak in 2012 because he has become the scapegoat for the "lower-than-expected" Survivor Series PPV buyrate.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Originally Posted by brasilianmami


the camera shot of the crowd though!!!
Originally Posted by ao17

That camera man is getting canned tonight. 

Just Chillin'
Spoiler [+]


WWE doesn't understand.  People aren't just going to care about Tamina because she wins a few Divas matches.  Why?  Because wins and losses don't mean anything in WWE, especially in Divas matches that last 47 seconds.  Unless you give these *+@!#+ a character for people to care about (not farting), crowds are going to continue to react like this.

And why is there no mention of Kharma?  Things are obviously setting up for a Beth and Kharma program, but you sure as hell wouldn't know she returned at the Rumble thanks to these announcers.
I was dying at the crowd when Tamina won. I barely know whether she's a face or heel. The only divas who have defined characters on a consistent basis
are.......Vickie, and maybe Beth. This probably applies to most of the roster, but even when something starts to stand out, it's immediately stripped away (AJ & Kaitlyn

as the "Chickbusters", Tamina being JTG's valet, JTG supposedly "managing" people, etc.). What exactly is the Bellas gimmick other than being twins? Alicia Fox?

Remember when Eve was dancing with Cryme Time? Then dancing with R-Truth? So.....what is she right now?

end slight rant
I liked the Jericho/Punk segment but it did feel a little underwhelming, the whole "end of the world" stuff has amounted to nothing. I think that Jericho winning the Rumble was gonna be a key point to his return, but Vince swerved us to spite us and Jericho looks weak, he shouldn't have even bothered mentioning the Rumble in his promo, he sounded stupid saying he outlasted 28 other men... And look at Sheamus, he's nothing, should never have won it.

Despite this I'm still confident it will be a good feud, just let Punk & Jericho run it themselves like they did with HBK/Y2J and we'll be gravy. At least they kept their contact minimal in the 6-man.

I'd book it with Jericho sneakily winning in the Chamber and holding it at least until the PPV after Extreme Rules. It's always better with the face chasing the belt and it'll make Jericho look credible again.

I'm liking the HHH/Taker stuff, bit strange how they're making it out as if HHH won the WM27 match though. I'm not against seeing a third match, it's never gonna be a wrestling classic but it'll still be superior.

And Kane/Cena just needs to end, I don't care anymore. Oh, and no more Twitter wars between Rock/Cena, this is wrestling, do it in the damn ring
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Did not realize a bunch of greatness haters were in this thread

This bum had his hands in his pants the entire 2nd half.  Dude was his typical ghost self and didn't show up when the game was on the line.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]must be nice to have a team that sits on All those championships. especially your current ones, man what a run... oh wait.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]yea, typical bum self. the best closer in the game is a bum. right. tell me another story when i go to bed bro. homer and a clown.[/color]
best parts of Raw were Jericho and Punk along with the Undertaker video, the first time to open the show.

Aside from that, too many videos and commercials
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