Wrestling Thread Feb 8-14 | 2/14 TNA Against All Odds - Styles vs Joe | Angle vs Anderson

@ Vince...gif worthy
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

I honestly don't remember the lead up to the HBK/Jericho WrestleMania feud a few years back, but I remember the match and it was
. As for the Mysterio/Jericho feud, I assume this was on Smackdown, but I don't watch the show too often due to being busy with other things...But I do remember the Mysterio/Jericho feud in 1998, when Jericho was hell bent on recapturing the cruiserweight title...Jericho was gold back then..not to say he's not now, but of all times during Jericho's career, I enjoyed his 98 WCW run the most.
Nah not that match bro. The feud they had like two years ago which lasted like 6 months...I'm not sure if you were following at that time but it was epic.

And the Mysterio/Jericho feud was on Smackdown last year. Jericho hand picked Mysterio to have an extended feud with him and structured most of their program...brought prestige back to the IC Title just the same way he did to the Tag Belts...I got a lot of respect for that dude, man.

Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Why is Cena talking with a slight country/southern accent??
Dude is from Boston, he needs to calm the hell down with his cornball +#%.

Originally Posted by CHICHAN

This southern accent/rap slang is killin me though, haha. "DATS WHY I DO DAT RIGHT DEH!"

OMG, Vince is on a roll tonight, I'm +!%!%+$ crying over here.

Bret falling.
Bret "haven't wrestled since the 90's" Hart vs Vince "no blood in the WWE" McMahon really not looking forward to this match, could be an epic match if it was a street fight but in the PG era?

I'll pass
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Bret "haven't wrestled since the 90's" Hart vs Vince "no blood in the WWE" McMahon really not looking forward to this match, could be an epic match if it was a street fight but in the PG era?

I'll pass

I agree the potential for the match is high, but this would be much more believable and compelling if they would have a street fight instead.
When does Raw replay later in the week? I have to catch it just to see Vince, you're all making him sound mad funny
Originally Posted by bkmac

When does Raw replay later in the week? I have to catch it just to see Vince, you're all making him sound mad funny

Chances are you can just go to wwe.com and watch the segment highlight videos. They'll probably have the full segment on the site.
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