Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

WWE Network added a lot of "Black" stuff in the vault section.

They have a full edisode of the "Main Event" from 92 when Ron Simmons vs. Vader happened.

Funny hearing Teddy Long say, "JuSin Thunder Liger."
Really looking forward to the Shovel/Austin podcast.. much more so than RAW.

Is Bork scheduled for tonight?
I got a list of guys and gals, wanted to know which y'all thought are HOF'ers

Lex Luger
Shane Douglas
Jim Cornette
Tony Schiovane
Dean Malenko
X Pac
Rick Rude
Rick Martell
Tomy Dreamer
Godfather/Papa Shango/Kama
Ken Shamrock

Demolition, Cornette and the Midnight Express, Malenko, Rude, Konnan, Martell, and DDP.

Luger was what every muscle head wrestler wanted to look like.

RVD was so innovative and had good runs in all companies.

Bushwackers because they were loyal like Koko B. Ware

Demolition because it was Vince creation.

Cornette, the Midnight Express and RnR express are no brainers. They had a great feud as well as with the Fantastics. Couldve been awesome to see a RnR Express vs. Fantastics feud.

Malenko because of his 1001 moves.

Rude had great runs everywhere he went. Wouldve been cool to see him wrestle in ECW.

Konnan is like the Carlos Colon of Puerto Rican wrestling, the influence he had on getting lucha on ECW and in WCW.

Martell had impressive runs, AWA Champ, and a nice IC run.

DDP, gotta give it to a guy who trains late and the success he had in that stage of his career, plus DDP Yoga.
They need to induct Ravishing Rick off the strength of his entrance themes alone [emoji]128526[/emoji] He was the man tho
Konnan DESERVES to be in there but come on, Vince is the type to act like he doesn't know who Konnan is
Martel also had some great tag-team title runs as well

dude should be a shoe-in, should be in already

Tag team champ with Putski and Garea, as well as being in Strike Force with Chico Santana. Never knew they had a history with each other til about 15 years ago when I saw that they both wrestled in the AWA vs the High Flyers.

Too bad his promo/vignettes were horrible:

I think Waltman WONT get in, he's the Screech of the Kliq.
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