Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

dude needs to stop using that damn double stomp

Na it wasn't the double foot stomp. He took a hurricanrana from neville and landed wrong. He finished the match took a few more bumps and limped to the back with out celebrating.

All I know is he better be fine for the feb 11 match against neville at the next live special.
Razor and Double J had a 27 min match to start the 95 Rumble PPV for the IC title. You would never see that today...
@4wrestling  , what are your predictions for the rumble? As of a day or two ago, Meltzer said Roman still slated to win right? Hoping that changes.

If you really think about it, there's such a strong dynamic in what could happen tomorrow night. WWE wants Roman as their next top babyface but if he wins he will be portrayed as a heel by the Philly crowd. Basically anyone besides D-Bry (maybe ziggler, ambrose) will be seen as a heel. How do you combat a "smart" crowd like that?

Now that I think about it, you dont. Because its WWE and theyll act like those boos never happened 
I'm sticking with Reigns.  I believe Vince has such a hard on for this guy, that he is going to tell the fans what is right, rather than listening to what the fans want.  He's done it with Cena for years.  And he believes Reigns is the next Cena.

It could be ugly Sunday night.
Oh it's for sure going to be ugly..I got a feeling a lot of us wrestling fans over 18 will be pissed all night long..I did the RR pool based on what I want instead of WWE logic..So I fully expect to not make the top 75..
I can't get into Reigns when I tune in, he's partly the reason I don't tune in that much anymore
I like reigns a lot but the way they push him and how inorganic things have been with him really bothers me. There's barely anything natural with him. Just let dude cook instead of forcing him on us.
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