Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

I like reigns a lot but the way they push him and how inorganic things have been with him really bothers me. There's barely anything natural with him. Just let dude cook instead of forcing him on us.

Yeah that's what I meant, he's likeable but once Vince sends him out with orders, it's forced and bad. They pushed him the wrong way to the point if he wins, I think you get Batista reactions and he has to turn heel.
I like reigns a lot but the way they push him and how inorganic things have been with him really bothers me. There's barely anything natural with him. Just let dude cook instead of forcing him on us.

Yeah that's what I meant, he's likeable but once Vince sends him out with orders, it's forced and bad. They pushed him the wrong way to the point if he wins, I think you get Batista reactions and he has to turn heel.

Couldn't agree more with push. I dig Reigns, but at this rate he's gonna be Sheamus to me in the next couple of months
Reigns just oozes of natural charisma if they let him run on his own. I loved him in the shield.

Then he spoke...
His music look and entrance is so badass why mess with him by giving him a looney toons script to use. So dumb. Just let dude naturally be himself and he'll get over as a superstar. Ideal would be him losing the rumble because of show have reigns destroy show at the next PPV and have him face and wash some heel at mania then soley build him up to being a main eventer. No need to rush the belt on him.
Their first match should have been in a show that matters
Agreed. They way they built those two up and had Corbin go over in his longest match to date(4 mins or so) :lol:. You shouldn't give away PPV matches like they did with Rollins and Reigns on Raw recently. The ghosts of WCW will tell you that's bad for business. (But we know that was just one of many issues with that company.)
NTWT fam, Im soooo excited for tomorrow. The triple threat should be :smokin.
Planning my food plans right now. Thinking Wingstop. Lemmon Pepper & OG Hot :smokin
I can't really see anyone but Reigns winning.

Bryan beating Brock at Mania would be awesome, but there's no way vince gives us that. That just makes too much sense.
Will just have to avoid NTWT & FB tomorrow night since I'll be at work. Don't want it spoiled for me.
Just watched the Prince Devitt and Ryusuke Taguchi vs Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi match from 2011 Fantasticamania. :wow: :smokin
Heel Deep Sea showing his true colors as usual. Talking down on lamb :smh: lamb souvlaki with extra meat from a top notch Mediterranean spot is food paradise. Straight orgasm for the tastebuds. Refine your pallet b.
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