Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

Great way to finish it. But if they want to set up shovel/D Bry send HHH out there to pedigree him right now. And then get on the mic and tell him he'll never be WWE Champion

Sending out Kane right there was stupid and does nothing for the story line when just 2 weeks ago he was reprimanded for touching a WWE superstar
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Just thinking... what's the point of the steel cage if Brock Lesnar isn't here tonight.
It wasn't even full blast either. Joint looked like it was running on Tista fumes
:lol the delay.
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randy orton really is a great heel,too bad he got stuck wrestling scrubs like orton and batista most of his time in the wwe so far,but him vs dbry would be good for both of them right now.getting back in the swing of wwe lately.dbry ,wyatts ,orton(who i liked before i stopped watching wrestling) ,shield,kofi kingston are good to me,not really feeling anyone else.who else should i be watching for??
Just thinking... what's the point of the steel cage if Brock Lesnar isn't here tonight.

We know it but the casual fan probably doesn't and to "make sure" of a clean finish. Its whats best for business.
I feel really bad for Darren Young.  I am sure it wasn't his idea to come out of the closet publicly. WWE clearly forced him to do it.  He got pushed for about a week, and now he'll probably be unemployed within 6 months.

Did miz just turn heel again?
Remember when miz didn't catch R-Truth on a dive to the outside and that was the start of miz getting buried?  Well, Road Dogg should be buried as well.  That's a complete ***** move stepping out of the way of a f'n moonsault off the top of the cage.  Cody could have shattered his arm.  Unreal.

I'd be shocked if anything besides a mild slap on the wrist IF THAT happens.
randy orton really is a great heel,too bad he got stuck wrestling scrubs like orton and batista most of his time in the wwe so far,but him vs dbry would be good for both of them right now.getting back in the swing of wwe lately.dbry ,wyatts ,orton(who i liked before i stopped watching wrestling) ,shield,kofi kingston are good to me,not really feeling anyone else.who else should i be watching for??8o

How is Orton great and a scrub? How do you wrestle yourself?
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