Wrestling Thread Jan 4-10 | Missed TNA iMPACT on Monday? Replay on Spike Thurs 9pm ET

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by solematic j21

RAW's ending was whack, Brett leaves screwed again.

i think many of you fail to realize that Bret signed a contract through Wrestlemania. He's gonna be here for a little while.
Hope hes on SD this friday. And Bryan Danielson had a dark match against Chavo tonite.
Alrite, Ill admit that I never really watched TNA, but Impact was far better than raw tonight.

I LOVE how established Angle lays down clean for Styles to put him over on their biggest show ever, while on the other hand rearchinlock/armbar cleanly pins upand coming Kofi.

F Orton and everyone hyping him up "voices
" "rko

He is a new age Hunter who only cares about himself. He couldnt do the job in a singles match once to Kofi.

While I loved the michaels hart segment, the vince segment was weak and predictable.

Oh well, best wrestling night I can remember in a LOOOONGG time.
That TNA ending seems like the exact opposite of the sense that Hogan was speaking in that interview a few pages back.. if the WCW2.0 fest continues expect theWWE to fleece their young stars and pwn them..AGAIN.. I just hate seeing these old guys faces
can someone do a play by play of the last 5 minutes of RaW please. My DVR cut out right when vince said he wanted to punch Brett in the gut...


anyone else notice Bretts Jordans.
Originally Posted by mjmoney23

Alrite, Ill admit that I never really watched TNA, but Impact was far better than raw tonight.

I LOVE how established Angle lays down clean for Styles to put him over on their biggest show ever, while on the other hand rearchinlock/armbar cleanly pins up and coming Kofi.

F Orton and everyone hyping him up "voices
" "rko

He is a new age Hunter who only cares about himself. He couldnt do the job in a singles match once to Kofi.

While I loved the michaels hart segment, the vince segment was weak and predictable.

Oh well, best wrestling night I can remember in a LOOOONGG time.

They could feel he isn't ready yet. He dropped clean once before the ppv though
i was like "what the !%%@?" when hogan said, "ive been here all day brother," when dude just got out of the goddamn limo
I though Impact overall was way better, but WWE had the best segment with Hart/HBK.

You dudes who really think that was the last we'll see of Bret...
He's signed til 2 weeks after WM, I believe.
Originally Posted by tmoney85

can someone do a play by play of the last 5 minutes of RaW please. My DVR cut out right when vince said he wanted to punch Brett in the gut...


anyone else notice Bretts Jordans.
go to wwe.com and watch it...
WWE: We'll see where they go with the Hitman storyline...

TNA: Stupid ending but had the better show. Where was Scott Steiner?
Why didn't TNA promote harder? If they would have said that Jeff Hardy and Flair were going to come, their ratings might have been better. And I wonderwhat kind of contract jeff hardy got from TNA.
TNA, despite having "lesser" names, has much better in ring action than TNA does.

AJ Styles? I have heard of this guy before, but had never watched a full match of his before tonight. I know how good Angle is, but AJ Styles impressed thehell out of me. I will definitely try to keep up with TNA.

WWE still has too many joke segments and pointless promos, I feel like at the height of the WWF they let the matches tell the stories. Now, it everything seemsso predictable it's not even that entertaining to watch.
First time I've watched wrestling in years..If I hadn't had seen the name Bret Hart on the first page of the general forum earlier I never would haveknow or watched any wrestling tonight..Super impressed with TNA..I might actually have to start catching it from time to time..
Originally Posted by chino905

Why didn't TNA promote harder? If they would have said that Jeff Hardy and Flair were going to come, their ratings might have been better. And I wonder what kind of contract jeff hardy got from TNA.
You cant promote surprise guests, Hardy and Flair were there to give you the shock factor. Surprises are what fueled the MNWs back in the 90'syou never knew who was gonna show up on either show so you had to watch.
Originally Posted by JCH3

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

46 pages!!!
There was a Monday night a couple of weeks ago where the RAW thread was less than 3 full pages.

Wrestlemania 25 thread was 79 pages, I expect this thread to be right around that much by the end of the week. (http://niketalk.com/topic/166108?page=79)

oh, i meant to say 46 pages in ONE day, i saw this thread today in the morning, when it was only 3 pages.
1. When the hitman's theme song came on I got goosebumps..

2. Thank you TNA for introducing me to AJ Styles. thaat match was amazing...(Is Kurt Angle Face in TNA??)

3. With DX winning, if the WWE intended to move Jericho to Smackdown to attract viewers...It worked on me..I'll probably DVR it now..

4. I wish they had DVR during the glory days
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