Wrestling Thread Jan 4-10 | Missed TNA iMPACT on Monday? Replay on Spike Thurs 9pm ET

Where can I watch an online replay of Impact?

sports2all.com is down right now, and that's where I normally go.
tna seemed like a cluster of everything. it kinda reminded me of watching an episode of nitro with the announcers going crazy when a limo pulls up; kinda gotrepititive. And then every single time before a commercial break, an "old" wrestler would turn up. TNA has better wrestlers but Raw kept meentertained.
Jerishow vs. DX was a nice match, but TNA definitely put on better matches, especially with Styles vs. Angle. Raw had better non-wrestling segments becauseBret Hart >>> Hogan and his buddies. But, in the end Impact had the better show because they actually went all out and tried to shock viewers, whileRaw was coasting on the notion of Bret Hart being on WWE TV after 12 years. Biggest problem I had with Impact is that they went to commercials every twominutes, which ruins any flow of any match. Not a good look.
I'm looking forward to a potential Nasty Boys/3D fued...
It'll be horrible technical wrestling but there will def be some serious stiff shots...
Is Jeff Hardy officially signed to TNA now though? Or was he just there for appearances sake?

Also, am I the only one who got tired of watching the Angle vs. AJ Styles match? After the second styles clash and several ankle locks and angle slams, I wasjust hoping it ends already. Kicking out of so much signature and finishers killed it for me. It was probably the match of the night and there are some nicehighlights but it wasn't as entertaining to me, it was int eh beginning but it dragged in the end. I think they could have made the match much better andperformed more moves than hitting their sig/finisher moves several times.
One thing I don't understand is why Flair would go to TNA with Hogan and Bischoff when he hates both of them?
^ So sloppy.

It's clear that dude will never quit pro wrestling...

Why not get back in shape?

Drop the beer bottle & hit the gym.

Originally Posted by solidsnake

One thing I don't understand is why Flair would go to TNA with Hogan and Bischoff when he hates both of them?

"Everybody's got a price."

- The Million Dollar Man

Flair's probably behind on his alimony payments again.
could someone remind me how xpac,kevin,hulk & scott are all connected? i dont remember i thought xpac was ONLY in the wwf
The better "show" to me was RAW, and it's not even close.
That TNA ending seems like the exact opposite of the sense that Hogan was speaking in that interview a few pages back.. if the WCW2.0 fest continues expect the WWE to fleece their young stars and pwn them..AGAIN..
Exactly, that's why I see TNA losing this battle. There going with all the old faces while RAW is pushing younger talent. It's nice tosee some of the older wrestlers do a guest spot every now and then but to have them in your talent pool and lead matches spells disaster. I wouldn't besurprised if TNA tried to call up the Junkyard Dog to get him back in the ring.

Cena can't be a pure technical wrestler if his life depended on it. BTW where was he? no show?

He was the grand marshall for the Boise State vs. TCU game last night. He was out at mid-field for the coin toss at the beginning of the game last night.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

could someone remind me how xpac,kevin,hulk & scott are all connected? i dont remember i thought xpac was ONLY in the wwf

He was Syxx Pac in WCW with the NWO.
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

Originally Posted by solidsnake

One thing I don't understand is why Flair would go to TNA with Hogan and Bischoff when he hates both of them?

"Everybody's got a price."

- The Million Dollar Man

Flair's probably behind on his alimony payments again.
I think he also owes the IRS a **** load of money. Pay your taxes kid.
I hope he stays in a suit on TNA, because I couldn't stand seeing him in the ring in WWE. I'm tired of the endless backbody drop
This is why Hogan's music sounded familiar last night:



Why do I remember this stuff but I have trouble remembering birthdays and anniversaries?
Looks like Hardy's TNA run might be a short one.
Jeff Hardy's drug arrest went to the grand jury yesterday in Moore County of North Carolina. The grand jury found that there was enough evidence in indict Hardy and the case has been sent to Superior Court, according to a spokesperson with the Moore County Court in NC.

Hardy's case will be officially set on their docket within the next week.
Hardy was set for a probable cause hearing on 1/27 in regard to his September 2009 drug arrest. That hearing would have determined whether there was enough evidence regarding the arrest to go on the grand jury, but is not a hearing that is absolutely required. It appears that prosecutors opted to forgo that hearing and go right to the grand jury in order to move the case along.

Hardy was arrested on 9/11/09 on the following charges:

*Felony possession of cocaine.

*Felony drug trafficking of opium

*Felony possession with intent to redistribute a Schedule III drug (two counts).

*Maintaining a dwelling for drug use and/or distribution.

*Possession of drug paraphernalia. (misdemeanor)

Jeff Hardy returned to TNA at last night's Impact special.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Is Jeff Hardy officially signed to TNA now though? Or was he just there for appearances sake?
He's signed. I have no details on the actual deal.
Some news and notes because DSK is M.I.A. word to Scott Hall...

Steve Austin Fractures Sylvester Stallone's Neck
The Daily Mail spoke with Sylvester Stallone about The Expendables. In the interview, Stallone admitted that he was injured during the filming, while working with former pro wrestler Steve Austin.
"Actually, my fight with Stone Cold Steve Austin was so vicious that I ended up getting a hairline fracture in my neck. I'm not joking. I haven't told anyone this, but I had to have a very serious operation afterwards. I now have a metal plate in my neck."

Backstage Bret Hart-RAW News: What He Did & Reaction
Bret Hart was accompanied to RAW by his girlfriend; while the Hart Dynasty was brought into the show to give Bret someone in the locker room he was close to and could trust. There were no plans to use them on the show.

Hart spent much of the afternoon introducing himself to the RAW locker room. The only members of the locker room that were there last night and part of the company in 1997 were HHH, HBK and Mark Henry.

After the show, Hart spent over an hour taking photos and signing autographs with fans at the hotel. He stayed at the same hotel as the rest of the WWE crew.

Backstage iMPACT! News: Reaction, Cold Locker-Room, More
Backstage last night was described as unique. Among the talents, there were a lot of people scared for their long-term position with the company. Some feel that the new established stars will cause them to be overlooked and that they may be let go.

The winter frost in Florida have made the TNA locker rooms very cold, as the facilities at Universal do not have heat.

Hundreds of fans were turned way last night. There were a vocal group of Bubba the Love Sponge fans, who were turned away and upset since they had passes from Bubba's website to get in. Bubba responded to complaints on his Twitter, and noted that he knew that Dixie Carter would be upset, but said he would not speak badly of her again.

JR Blogs: Flair/Hardy To TNA, Bret-HBK-Vince, TNA vs. WWE
Jim Ross is back with another blog at JRsBarBQ.com with thoughts on last night's RAW and iMPACT. Here are some highlights:
Bret Hart & HBK: "The dialog between HBK and the Hitman sounded so natural that I thought I was eavesdropping on two old rivals' conversation. They were simply being themselves. Their handshake made the night complete for me but remember that I lived through the debacle of '97 and was just a little immersed in it and spent many, many hours "talking wrestlers off the ledge" so to speak for hours after the controversial incident."

Bret Hart & Vince McMahon: "The McMahon-Bret confrontation was well done especially planting the seed early and keeping me hooked until the end of the show for the payoff plus adding some spice to the dish in between. The Mr. McMahon persona is so easy to dislike and the Chairman got the last word and the final act of physicality in the exchange with his longstanding adversary and left me wanting to see more and wondering how Bret will respond next Monday night? Or will he? This issue has new, fresh legs."

Jeff Hardy in TNA: "It surprised me to see Jeff Hardy on Spike TV Monday night which I am sure will get some fans talking and critics/pundits asking a great deal of questions. I'm a Jeff Hardy fan and I wish him well. Jeff had a great tenure in WWE and considering that I signed him and his brother Matt to their first WWE contracts I will always consider the Hardy brothers as being special. As Hall of Fame Coach Barry Switzer once told me, "Once you recruit a player you recruit them for life."

Ric Flair in TNA: "Knowing how much Ric Flair still enjoys wrestling I was not shocked to see Ric on another channel Monday night. The WWE gave Ric the greatest send-off/retirement presentation that I have ever witnessed but nonetheless "Naitch" has wrestling running through his veins and he's going lace 'em up until he simply can't do it any longer. Ric Flair has been my friend for about 30 years and I wish him well in what ever he does in his career."

AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle: "Former WWE Champion Kurt Angle, another one of the guys that I signed to their first WWE contract, and A.J. Styles had a truly excellent wrestling match that I got glimpses of Monday night."

Major iMPACT! **SPOILERS** For Tonight - Big Return, & More
As noted earlier, Scott Steiner was at last night's iMPACT!, but not used. We can now confirm that he will be used on tonight's TV tapings.
The main event for the Genesis PPV will still be AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle for the TNA Title. The reason will be explained tonight at the tapings.

Angelina Love is in Orlando, FL and will return tonight. While others can't stand Lacey Von Erich, Hulk Hogan is said to be a fan. She recently worked his overseas Australia tour. She was on thin ice until Hogan arrived. We'll see where things go from here.

As noted earlier, The Young Bucks will work tonight's TV tapings. As of last word, they were scheduled to face Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin.

Another Major iMPACT! **SPOILER** - 4-Sided Ring?
As we noted several days ago here on the website, TNA stars Traci Brooks and Frankie Kazarian (Suicide) will be getting married this weekend.
There are plans to do a Nasty Boys vs. Team 3D feud in the near future.

There is a rumor going around that the company will run an angle tonight, where the 6-sided ring is destroyed, and then will be replaced by the traditional 4-sided ring. I exclusively noted several weeks ago that TNA was planning to use a 4-sided ring in the near future.

The Real Reason Jeff Hardy Signed With TNA Wrestling
After a shocking appearance by Jeff Hardy at Monday's TNA iMPACT! tapings, WrestlingINC.com has confirmed that the former WWE Champion has signed a contract with TNA Wrestling. Here are some of the key details to this story:
- Jeff Hardy is now a full-time member of the TNA roster and will be working a regular television and PPV schedule.

- The main reason Jeff Hardy jumped to TNA is the work schedule and is at the point where he doesn't want to deal with the grueling WWE travel schedule. In TNA, he can still remain a top star in the industry and make great money while working and traveling far less.

-- On iMPACT!, we saw Jeff Hardy attack X-Division star Homicide. A feud between the two appears to be in the works. "Anything could change and I could do something else or Jeff could do something else at the TV tapings on Tuesday, and I think it would be a great match-up of Jeff Hardy vs. Homicide. I'm really hoping it will happen," Homicide said on the "Right After Wrestling" radio program on SIRIUS channel 98.

-- Jeff Hardy was in meetings with Hulk Hogan and Dixie Carter throughout the day on Monday ironing out the terms of his agreement. Its believed that nothing was locked up until Jeff's visit to Orlando on Monday.

-- Hardy's drug charges from September 11 are still pending. He will be back in court on January 27 for probable cause hearing to determine whether there is enough evidence to take Hardy's case to the next level.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

could someone remind me how xpac,kevin,hulk & scott are all connected? i dont remember i thought xpac was ONLY in the wwf
These guys were friends long before WCW.

Of course there is the imfamous Kliq hug.


And why do you think "The Kid" beat Razor Ramon????
I always forget Pac was a big part of the nWo...

I'm really excited to see where this all goes. TNA put on a good show. Hopefully WWE takes notice and doesnt continue to ride with 4 year old aimed skits.Bret can only draw so much.

There is a rumor going around that the company will run an angle tonight, where the 6-sided ring is destroyed, and then will be replaced by the traditional 4-sided ring. I exclusively noted several weeks ago that TNA was planning to use a 4-sided ring in the near future.

Are they taping impact tonight?
Stone Cold almost killed Rambo

and I was kinda pissed that Steiner wasn't used last nite
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

could someone remind me how xpac,kevin,hulk & scott are all connected? i dont remember i thought xpac was ONLY in the wwf
These guys were friends long before WCW.
I know.. but i'm going with the nWo theme of last night/only wwf reference.

I'm pretty bummed the 6 sided ring is gone but oh well.
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