Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- Officials are considering turning Brasilian a heel. There is also talk of a new tag team, with BKMac teaming up with someone else so it can help build the tag team division.

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks



1. 4Wrestling - Face
2. JNSQ - Face
3. GHIMS - Tweener
4. HombreLobo - Face
5. NobleKane - Heel
6. Mister916 - Face
7. Toine - Face
8. Hymen - Heel
9. TennHouse - Face
10. JDCurt - Heel 
11. DragonFly - Face
12. TheDeek - Tweener
13. Windscar - Heel
14. 3dgarFly - Face
15. JRA - Heel
16. Hyper - Tweener
17. Peep_Game - Face
18. ShaunHill - Heel
19. ImThatOne- Heel 
20. Mason - Face
21. RKO2004 - Face
22. YardFather - Heel
23. BKMac - Tweener
24. BrasilianMami - Heel
25. VeintiSiete - Heel


been cutting heel promos this entire time. thought you had the tag team with Mister916 just to add disfunction.

monster heel though

Dont placate the guy, jesus.

No one outside of brasilianmami seemed to know that brasilianmami was a heel and now we're talking about monster pushes. Give me a break 

 And what is this "competition" for top heel?  this is a lamb being led to slaughter.

To be a top heel you need have a certain quality, a certain pizazz,

a certain je ne sais quoi (no je ne sais quoi).

and the person to challenge me for this position is....Im That One?

Let me take you through a typical  neanderthal ITO promo: 

"You weak. you beta. i alpha!" *cue channel changes*

and I only included the parts that were interesting.

A majority of those around here think you're just....bad. People want you to leave.

Your promos are like a 2 paragraph valium.

I admire the moxie to climb Everest but almost no one makes it and if they do, they dont last very long.

Im sure a substanceless rebuttal featuring sophmoric insults and self-proclamations of alphaness will follow shortly.

ITO should be blowing Sean Waltman daily in gratitude because if it wasn't for X-Pac heat, he'd get none at all.

Im getting my shovel ready.

I see we still have a problem with authority around here. The fans are sittin on their hands cause they

just see the bosses going back and forth. I told you already what the fans really wanna see, and that's 

that action in the real, and MVPeep is one of the few stars around here bringing that. Other people

may have the championships around here, but I'm the one who's the man around here, just ask the crowd.


You see what I did there? I see you try to swipe me imthatone. That was pretty good. You get a pretty

nice little win under your belt, and you're feelin yourself huh? I speak the truth when I tell you I'm the man

in this company. I light up that crowd every time I come out those curtains, and if you wanna be curtain jerkin

down that line real fast, I'd suggest you fall back right and enjoy the success you're being given right now.
I've been gone all day, out with my parents doing some family bonding. I'm in a diner right now, so you lintlckers won't be graced with my plethora of pics and .gifs.Anywho, real quick. Casekicks, were you even on last nights Supershow card? I'll gladly face you because you're itching for a piece at Jeribkmac, but maybe you should earn a shot at me first. Whenever I face you, be prepared, because I will MAKE YOU TAP.*breaks kayfabe: Tazz says 'make you tap' right?*And for those News and Notes.. put me in a tag team? I'll have to think about that...
Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]weren't you just TheDork Cena like 12 seconds ago?[/color]

I still meant for that to be a heel gimmick too
I miss that one

peep_game wrote:

I'm still waiting for you to address my offer by the way.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Once again we see how much you blow... You have the mind of a 13 year old child, and funny enough the body of one too. We all now know you just hit puberty and are going through new experiences. And that little piece of fur above your lip... and maybe some other, tiny, special places ... is also natural. When you voice starts cracking it means your balls are dropping as well buddy, so don't feel embarrassed or let your confidence shake you one bit little guy.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]And i also understand why it is you never ever directly answer or comment anything from my promos... it's not that your clever at all, but in fact the words i use are too big, the references are so far beyond you... You just haven't gotten out of the remedial, Special, English class yet, maybe when you reach high school bud. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Speaking of school, when you're a big boy you will learn about business. And when you market things it's fairly intelligent to have things such as motto's, tag lines, catch phrases... you see you mock my key sayings, but it's what stays in your head isn't it? You remember that, and directly remember me. This is high level stuff bud and you probably won't reach this level.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I really wouldn't put to much stock in your future though... might wanna put your gardening resume on line now and just call it. [/color]
^ what is this frailty you keep referring too? I guarantee Im bigger, more muscular and look more like a man than you ever will in your life.

Seriously, sit down.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]weren't you just TheDork Cena like 12 seconds ago?[/color]

I still meant for that to be a heel gimmick too
I miss that one

peep_game wrote:

I'm still waiting for you to address my offer by the way.

I thought we were on anyway

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]yea... ok...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]screams "i'm a Queen"... I'll sit down, I've had two workouts and my dinner was just cooked for me by one of my freaks.
go eat a steak and hit the weights little guy.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]it must suck to be so limited in so many ways that you have to claw and reach for anything just to survive. Thee Alpha Male (nickname, catch phrase club) knows nothing about that what so ever, don't know what it's like to lose either. After NTSS i still won't... maybe we can get a beer sometime and you can tell me all about it little buddy.  But i doubt it, must be a struggle what with lawns being so limited and all.[/color]
first of all: im handsome as FUUU. Seriously, i guarantee i pull higher quality women than you based off of my gorgeous smile alone.

If it was socially acceptable, id masturbate to my own pictures.

Most of NT has seen plenty of pics of me. i am the GOODS baby!

2nd: easy to speak when you're too shook to put a pic a yourself, scrub.

"whats the matter, they called you ugly? well life is hard hug me"
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"1st:" I didn't say anything about HOW you look other than it Screamed you're a queen. Very Feminine features. I bet you do have a lot of female friends, most Queens do man. Also the fact that you tell another man that... shows how inferior and how much you need to develop your Security.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"2nd:" I've actually posted plenty of pictures, last one was my macho man costume. *looks at sig*. God... Now i have to give this guy Promos and Props to cut. Guess we aren't too bright huh little buddy, or save any ammunition for future dates. A One clip and Done kinda guy. It happens to guys like you. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So weak, So inferior, what a complete waste. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]NTWT... THIS is the child you fear and don't get in his face?! This is the guy you don't want anything apart of?!... [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]. His tank is almost on E... Can't wait until i'm done with this child.[/color]


THATS you? and you're calling ME frail?

Holy crap, i seriously think 4W is bigger than you.

Ive seen toothpicks with more meat on them than those twigs you call arms.

I would post other pics of myself and basically shut your case down, but I dont really feel the need to do that.

just know that you seriously should NOT be taking shots at anyones size.

Talking about alpha male, dude I would bump you in the club on purpose just because I know I could get away with it.

...Whats worse is that you're FLEXING too.

You lost so much credibility right now its ridiculous.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that's weird. fact is i'm not flexing... that picture was taken for one of my chicks.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]you are running on an empty tank... reaching for anything. i had to spoon feed you that promo and give you hints. I would have sky rocketed with That picture had i been you... so much you could go with, and yet you fail again. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]btw, don't know where you're from, but i'm in the Bay. (that's California, you probably haven't done anything in Geometry class as well) You bump me in the Club, Club gets his as s beat in the Club. kinda ironic huh?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Anytime you wanna visit $1,000 dollars says i make you my bit-h. fun fact.[/color]
Really, it's simple. It's called a point system. Want to run something effectively? Develop a system. The NTWT has been running wild no Hogan. Not in a good way, though. There hasn't been any structure. What do we need? A platform. I've said this from the beginning of the #NTWTRevolution and I'm saying it again. I don't care about politics, and brownie points. So, I didn't kissed the COO's $%@ to get into a position of leverage back. I did find a way to do it though. Ultimately I got what I wanted. Power back.

I'm not saying I played GHIMS, but I played him. Sorry but..(HombreLobo 'Did you know?' fact coming up)

Spoiler [+]

Sorry, you old yogurt slinger rag (Name that RAW) But I proved I can run the show.


Now the upgrades I can provide are as follows.
Spoiler [+]

Yup that's right. Want to do commentary? For the night? For a match with someone you hate? You got it. Just send me the text over. This could be you!

Spoiler [+]

Want to interfer in a match? No problem. Done deal!
Want a sick new move? Yeah, kinda. Right? Oh, do you want a new move that will KILL your opponent? HELL YEAH you do.
Valet? WWYKI.
Kinda freaky ball grabbing move that's illegal? (I guess, GHIMS)

Point is, +%$%+ getting real here. I can generate real power rankings based on push. Yup, you do get pushed. Now how do you get these cool toys? How do you get pushed? Simple. SSPoints. You earn em everytime you win a match. They can be cashed in for moves (That stay forever), a valet, etc. To keep things a secret while cashing in on interferences, valet interferences said situations will be cashed in by PM to me. (I'll set the match point scale and price for items tomorrow.)

Now, how do you get pushed? Well, you get pushed by the committee. A board of trusted members who decide where that push number moves. How do we select the members of said board? A vote VIA SurveyMonkey.

You can elect yourself to run and by a certain day we will set up a survey that will state said running members. When that survey expires the top 3 vote receivers make the board and decide on weekly pushes til NTManiaII.

I'm not saying this is the greatest idea ever. But it's probably the greatest idea ever.
Hombre, you're putting in work with this thing. Not gonna lie.

I may just have to give my vote up to you.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I've said for the longest that Lobo has huge potential... He's had my stamp. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]He clearly has shown he deserves that stamp. Impressive man...[/color]
you are running on an empty tank... reaching for anything.
it must suck to be so limited in so many ways that you have to claw and reach for anything just to survive.

This is a recurring sentences in your posts, that im so limited that I get desperate for something to say.

Irony of course being that these are also sentences in your posts

I really wouldn't put to much stock in your future though... might wanna put your gardening resume on line now and just call it.


After NTSS i still won't... maybe we can get a beer sometime and you can tell me all about it little buddy.  But i doubt it, must be a struggle what with lawns being so limited and all.


Duke is so limited (and EXTREMELY heated from what I've been reading) that he had to resort to blatant racism to get one over

So not only are you talentless, but you're hypocritical bigot on top of it all. If that's not X-Pac heat, I dont wanna know what is.

Pathetic that you felt the need to stoop to this level

Anytime you wanna visit $1,000 dollars says i make you my bit-h. fun fact.


im willing to bet good money you know I live in Florida. The nerves I have hit tonight though have humored me greatly

THATS why im better at this than you. I envoke emotions in ways you never could.

Look at you, I type a few words and you're throwing out overtly racisat remarks and getting ready to throw fists in real life for cash

What more can be said? Honestly. 

EDIT: feel free to get one more in if you want. the last thing I need to give Meth is ammo to permaban me
Originally Posted by bkmac

I've been gone all day, out with my parents doing some family bonding. I'm in a diner right now, so you lintlckers won't be graced with my plethora of pics and .gifs.Anywho, real quick. Casekicks, were you even on last nights Supershow card? I'll gladly face you because you're itching for a piece at Jeribkmac, but maybe you should earn a shot at me first. Whenever I face you, be prepared, because I will MAKE YOU TAP.*breaks kayfabe: Tazz says 'make you tap' right?*And for those News and Notes.. put me in a tag team? I'll have to think about that...
First of all brotha, don't you ever try and steal my catchphrases..Second, it don't matter one damn bit if I was on the last Supershow or not..All that matters is the one that I'll be on when I'm chokin' your bland @#* out..You think just because God felt sorry for you and let you have a win or two that that makes you somekind of Headliner?..Obviously that LightBright jacket of yours has shorted out and fried your brain if you believe that..The hell with gimmick vs. gimmick, how 'bout we have us a good old fashioned submission match?..The Kicksmission vs. The Trolltamer..You up for the challenge or you just wanna stay under your bridge and be grumpy?..BEAT ME IF YOU CAN, SURVIVE IF I LET YOU..

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks


- Speaking of NTRumble, there is a feeling that YardFather may not be ready for the main event scene and that 4W may have to carry the match. Others feel that YardFather will be evaluated on his performance and officials will then decide where his character will go on forward.

The *%@%. I swear GHIMS has had it out for me since day one.

I'm not even going to waste a promo on you because you're just going to ignore it like you have in the past, instead, I'm all aboard the Lobo train. No Kanyon.

I mean, he did just come up with what many are considering...

Spoiler [+]
THE greatest idea ever
hombrelobo is the only COO in my eyes. He's an open Jeriholic too

Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by bkmac

I've been gone all day, out with my parents doing some family bonding. I'm in a diner right now, so you lintlckers won't be graced with my plethora of pics and .gifs.Anywho, real quick. Casekicks, were you even on last nights Supershow card? I'll gladly face you because you're itching for a piece at Jeribkmac, but maybe you should earn a shot at me first. Whenever I face you, be prepared, because I will MAKE YOU TAP.*breaks kayfabe: Tazz says 'make you tap' right?*And for those News and Notes.. put me in a tag team? I'll have to think about that...
First of all brotha, don't you ever try and steal my catchphrases..Second, it don't matter one damn bit if I was on the last Supershow or not..All that matters is the one that I'll be on when I'm chokin' your bland @#* out..You think just because God felt sorry for you and let you have a win or two that that makes you somekind of Headliner?..Obviously that LightBright jacket of yours has shorted out and fried your brain if you believe that..The hell with gimmick vs. gimmick, how 'bout we have us a good old fashioned submission match?..The Kicksmission vs. The Trolltamer..You up for the challenge or you just wanna stay under your bridge and be grumpy?..BEAT ME IF YOU CAN, SURVIVE IF I LET YOU..

Yawn. The same old, lame old, stuff from you. "Oh, let me attack Jeribkmac once again, saying I'm better than him, and I'll make him tap. I'll do this all despite having a (good) match in the federation, and Jeribkmac coming off a win of his own. It's okay though, I'm better than him, right?"

I'll sleep on it, you prissypants.

Be alarmed. If I do accept, this is waiting for you:

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