Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMyShoes


Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

I still want my match against Deek. Make it happen, hombre.

I am your NTWE United States Champion, the Deek

And Dfly, I thought about your challenge while polishing my most prestigious of prestigious titles.

*holds up title*

*jobbers in the back with shaunhill and JDCurt sitting around jealous of my immense amount of camera time*

And I remembered something that one of our many COO's told us before the supershow:

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Here's the deal, SuperStars. At this time I would like to give notice to the NEW unique SUPERSTAR POINTS feature that is similar to the video game: SD! HERE COMES THE PAIN for PS2. For every promo you can earn up to 5SP, and for every match you earn an appropriate amount of SP depending on the match. (Bigger matches have more SP. Jobber matches have less SP) You may cash these points in for title shots, managers, run ins, match changes, and player attributes. It's going to be SSSIIIICCCKK.

You have to earn your damn opportunity to face me in the ring. Dfly, you've reminded me that I don't need to take requests from the scrubs and jobbers of our industry. As the best superstar in the NTWE, I am required to defend my title against the almost-best there is to offer. Peep_game is that almost-best. He gets the title shot. You don't get any taste of it. Go win some matches junior and save up on your precious SP points. Maybe then I'll even see you as worthy, but honestly, you should avoid battling me at all costs if you know what's good for you.

You may think I am speaking out of fear, but I am a good man Mr. Fly, I am honest, brave, and above all else, I put others before myself. Which is why I have decided to refuse your challenge out of the kindness of my angel-like heart. I am sparing you the cold, harsh, defeat you'd suffer going against not only me, but Peep_Game as well. Hell, even in a one on one bout I'd Deekslap you all the way from forum14 to the regional forums.

Now scurry along and go get yourself some wins. Hold your thank you's. I already know that I've done a good thing.

Your NTWE United States Champion has spoken.

Spoiler [+]

Just look at that move for a second. Better remember it..because that's what will happen to you when I get a shot at that title.

I am electing myself btw.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMyShoes



[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and on that note.[/color]
DragonFly, what the hell is the name of that move?..I ain't never seen no move like dat befoe
Originally Posted by casekicks

DragonFly, what the hell is the name of that move?..I ain't never seen no move like dat befoe

Psycho Driver..by the boss known as Super Dragon
Whenever I see that move, I only think about the commentary in this video.

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Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

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Dont placate the guy, jesus.

No one outside of brasilianmami seemed to know that brasilianmami was a heel and now we're talking about monster pushes. Give me a break 

 And what is this "competition" for top heel?  this is a lamb being led to slaughter.

To be a top heel you need have a certain quality, a certain pizazz,

a certain je ne sais quoi (no je ne sais quoi).

and the person to challenge me for this position is....Im That One?

Let me take you through a typical  neanderthal ITO promo: 

"You weak. you beta. i alpha!" *cue channel changes*

and I only included the parts that were interesting.

A majority of those around here think you're just....bad. People want you to leave.

Your promos are like a 2 paragraph valium.

I admire the moxie to climb Everest but almost no one makes it and if they do, they dont last very long.

Im sure a substanceless rebuttal featuring sophmoric insults and self-proclamations of alphaness will follow shortly.

ITO should be blowing Sean Waltman daily in gratitude because if it wasn't for X-Pac heat, he'd get none at all.

Im getting my shovel ready.


i'm sorry
but it's really hard to take seriously anything you say in your "promos" knowing that they'd be non existent without your two ace in the holes.


i see you club. i know you'd otherwise struggle to make it through a sentence without you're "expanded vocab" vitamins (that your favorite teacher in remedial class tipped you on back in HS)

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remind me not fall asleep early again, all hell broke loose in here last night.
@ the #NTRevolution commercial lobo
Brodus addresses questions about his seriousness as a competitor.

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The end of David Otunga? Sounds "newz-$!@".

JENNIFER HUDSON’s romance with pro wrestler DAVID OTUNGA could go down for the count if he refuses to change careers, say sources.

The 30-year-old “Dreamgirls
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by casekicks

DragonFly, what the hell is the name of that move?..I ain't never seen no move like dat befoe

Psycho Driver..by the boss known as Super Dragon

super dragon is that dude 
Is it at all possible to put actual news in a different font, colored text, or in a quote box please?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

 Brodus addresses questions about his seriousness as a competitor.

Spoiler [+]

The end of David Otunga? Sounds "newz-$!@".

JENNIFER HUDSON’s romance with pro wrestler DAVID OTUNGA could go down for the count if he refuses to change careers, say sources.

The 30-year-old “Dreamgirlsâ€
HHH was at Giants practice this week. The talk going around is that WM XXX may be held at Metlife Stadium instead of MSG.
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