Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by JordanF1end

Evan Bourne got suspended for 60 days for violating the Wellness Policy for a second time. Hence the tag title loss.
 man @#$% this dude. Reminding me of wasted potential like Brian Kendrick.
Tenay: What's Matt Sydal doing in the Impact Zone?

Tazz: Looks like he's smokin' synthetic weed, there Don. These kids today...I'm sure Van Dam won't like em' infringin' his gimmick.

I mean, look at that water pipe back there.
It's bigger than Bourne!

Truly pathetic actions on his part. I don't see the harm with the occasional smoke; but when you're working corporate, even as an independent contractor, you have to know you can't cross the line. Save those smoke sessions for when you retire off that good WWE money. In this type of business you only get a handful of good years to make great money, and that's if you're lucky. It's a one shot type deal. Now, Bourne is as good as gone. Pissing away his talent ala Kendrick/London. Not only that but selfishly putting Kofi in an awkward situation.

Pretty classless stuff.

Oh well, though. I'm sure Justin Gabriel is out there somewhere smiling. Air Africa?
If the WWE wasn't so heel heavy, I would say this would be the perfect time for them to turn Kofi heel and just destroy Bourne and wash their
hands of him. I do like your Air Africa idea though 
I don't see how being Morrison is worse. Bourne is in a Chris Masters type situation. Won't matter if he has good matches or fan support. He has too strikes. He'll be too "risky" to be given a push. On top of that, if released, his chances of being re-hired are slim to none. Morrison, on the other hand, will likely be back soon.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]As a Man it could be worse... not as a WWE anything.[/color]
Bourne's WWE career.....


I don't respect weed smokers, but if it gives him more time to be with his cats, then good for him.  However, once they find out he's unemployed, it may be....
Yea, JoMo is pulling a Jericho and is just taking time off to recover (and hopefully get rid of Melina & learn out to do promos).
They wouldn't have made his "future endeavors" so public and storyline oriented if that wasn't the case.
***EDIT: those cat gifs
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] no sh-t that happened? eh... like i said.[/color]
..........wait....that happened? 
Bourne is a fool
I remember that Raw.  It was around the summer of 2010.  Looked like Bourne was in line for a big push, but it was basically a 1 night thing that they never followed up on.
He beat Jericho clean in the middle of the ring also.

Then it seems like he was gonna feud with Orton but they quickly gave up on that

havnt watched tna and i see roode is the champion.

is he a convincing champion or garbage?

I think he's a pretty good champion, but he could have been a lot better.  TNA dropped the ball by not giving him the title at Bound for Glory after a tremendous build (this was Hogan's call).  He got it afterwards, but it wasn't the same.  Plus, they really botched what could have been an awesome storyline between Roode and Storm.
That said, Roode does play a good heel.
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Peep Game

..........wait....that happened? 
Bourne is a fool
I remember that Raw.  It was around the summer of 2010.  Looked like Bourne was in line for a big push, but it was basically a 1 night thing that they never followed up on.
He beat Jericho clean in the middle of the ring also.

Then it seems like he was gonna feud with Orton but they quickly gave up on that
Ahhhhh I remember now, especially the Bourne/Jericho match. I don't remember other matches on that PPV, but they 
just threw that match together nearly on a whim, and it my have been the best match on the card. Bourne did seemed 

lined up for a push, but it just fizzled.

i was always a fan of roode.
i always thought he had soo much potential.
i have to start watching again.

whats the chances of the wwe swooping him up?
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

So GotHoles might want to post his sloppy copypasta NEWZ today.

With that NY Times ninjahood thread, I've seen enough e-beatings on Dominicans.
Especially platano on platano violence you two get into.
In GHIMS defense, his sloppy news is the only news that is posted. Be real my dude, you ain't doing nothing different copying longer winded rumors, months late, just in cleaner quote box separations, and an intense air of superiority.
I hope Ray Lewis rapes your Patriots, you confused Yankee fan.
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