Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Originally Posted by Peep Game

I aint even mad doe. JTG was workin' his %#+ off to try to be the top heel on WWE Superstars and NXT. 
I can't lie...when Daniel Bryan became champ I never thought that he'd turn heel in less than a month.
Daniel Bryan is a heat machine. It would be nice if WWE for once could look past his size, but he'll probably just lose the title next Sunday and be relegated to working with guys like Ted Dibiase.
The Usos are starting to look more like their dad.

And by that I mean they're getting fat.

How long until they're let go?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Daniel Bryan is a heat machine. It would be nice if WWE for once could look past his size, but he'll probably just lose the title next Sunday and be relegated to working with guys like Ted Dibiase.
I hope not, hes my favorite guy to watch
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Why do they keep booking Bryan against heels? Isn't he a heel himself now?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]big show is a face.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]monday, jericho is a heel and, who did jericho tag in? DB. puts it in your mind he is associated with bad guys... clever psychological tactic. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and they are turning Henry face so i read.[/color]
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Why do they keep booking Bryan against heels? Isn't he a heel himself now?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]big show is a face.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]monday, jericho is a heel and, who did jericho tag in? DB. puts it in your mind he is associated with bad guys... clever psychological tactic. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and they are turning Henry face so i read.[/color]
Well, the past couple shows I should say.

And I hope they don't turn Henry face.
Originally Posted by masondid

Every time I see Jinder Mahal I can't help but wonder what could have been for this man...
It's only because he was around at the wrong time, that he didn't succeed
Not sure if posted, but this would be awesome

Read this on another message board, but my new favourite Royal Rumble scenario is it gets down to two guys (say, Orton and Barrett) with the #30 entrant still to arrive. Orton and Barrett eliminate each other, meaning #30 is the automatic winner. That man is Jericho, who just comes out and cheers, celebrates and cries about his huge Rumble victory.
DBryan is gold once again, I knew he would flake out like a doosh near the end

Like the midcarders still getting some shine. Crowd likes Dibiase regardless
of the piped in cheers. Same with Justin Gabriel.

Sheamus/Barrett was a good match.


Santino vs McIntyre
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Peep Game

I aint even mad doe. JTG was workin' his %#+ off to try to be the top heel on WWE Superstars and NXT.�
For real
 Can't blame him, he's still employed and making the most of it
Originally Posted by DangerousG

Not sure if posted, but this would be awesome

Read this on another message board, but my new favourite Royal Rumble scenario is it gets down to two guys (say, Orton and Barrett) with the #30 entrant still to arrive. Orton and Barrett eliminate each other, meaning #30 is the automatic winner. That man is Jericho, who just comes out and cheers, celebrates and cries about his huge Rumble victory.

I would change that up a bit.

Have, say, Orton and Barrett eliminate each other, but entries #29 and #30 are still left to come out. Have #29 be a low/mid-carder (say, Santino, since he is on the poster), then Jericho comes out, and eliminates him with quickness and is the winner

Jericho can only win the Rumble if he is due to stay long for this return, otherwise it's a waste.
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