Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

Why does paige ? Page ? Pigoeot ?

Cup size change from scene to scene on total divas

My man zig gonna catch the 4 move fade

Nattie needs a hug

Alicia fox should.have stayed in school
brock vs bray isn't big enough to be a mania match, save that for fast lane or hell in a cell

Roman vs HHH
Brock vs Bray

Sounds horrible.

Rather them just go balls out and put the title on some one completely unexpected. Can't take HHH serious after losing to DBry 2 years ago and having to cheat to beat Stinger last year. Trips shouldn't stand chance against the powerful :rolleyes Roman.

Roman vs HHH
Brock vs Bray

Sounds horrible.

Rather them just go balls out and put the title on some one completely unexpected. Can't take HHH serious after losing to DBry 2 years ago and having to cheat to beat Stinger last year. Trips shouldn't stand chance against the powerful :rolleyes Roman.

What about trips and his trusty sledgehammer?
What dark forces does bray worship that cause him to be a jobber

Im mean taker went undefeated at wrestlefest.....maybe he should use those
Gorgeous people don't do that b

-According to PWInsider.com, WWE star Tyler Breeze recently garnered some backstage heat when he asked to leave a WWE TV taping early. Word eventually got out at the taping that Breeze did in fact leave early, and the news eventually made its way up to several WWE officials who did not know about Breeze’s request, and they were not happy.

Though not confirmed, the incident might be what is contributing to Breeze’s recent lack of push, as the feeling in WWE is Breeze just came up from NXT and is disrespecting the company and the business by making a request to leave a taping early. Officials might be temporarily “squashing him out” due to the heat, and there is no word on when his stay in the doghouse might end.
-According to PWInsider.com, WWE star Tyler Breeze recently garnered some backstage heat when he asked to leave a WWE TV taping early. Word eventually got out at the taping that Breeze did in fact leave early, and the news eventually made its way up to several WWE officials who did not know about Breeze’s request, and they were not happy.

Though not confirmed, the incident might be what is contributing to Breeze’s recent lack of push, as the feeling in WWE is Breeze just came up from NXT and is disrespecting the company and the business by making a request to leave a taping early. Officials might be temporarily “squashing him out” due to the heat, and there is no word on when his stay in the doghouse might end.


What you EATING Sunday
Made some Rotini noodles w/ground turkey and tomato sauce. Brought that in for lunch today.

My team has a basketball game today, so I won't eat until later tonight around 7. I might do this Mederterranen Grill.

About to eat a Pink Lady Apple
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