Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

man, this WM is going to SUCK. I never was a huge Triple H fan, but he's a great wrestler.. I just don't care to see him Main Event a title match at Wrestlemania. Sad reality that you need to put him into the mix this late in his career because you've done such a ****** job putting over newer talent. Where was Owens on this show? Won the IC title and can't even get a segment :lol: . Don't even wanna get into the 'co-main event' of Shane/Taker... sure it was nice seeing Shane back, but next week it'll be awful.. maybe they'll find a way to make it interesting but these types of angles where they fight for control of the company never end well and I don't see this being any different. Can't blame them with how thin the roster is right now but Shane/Taker HHH/Reigns are your two big matches at the biggest Mania they have had thus far.. let that sink in.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: HHH HAS to be pissed at this reaction :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah right.. The man who booked himself WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the main event of Wrestlemania is angry that the crowd is chanting his name.. :rofl:

I get that, but just the fact that HHH and the WWE as a whole has spent so much time moving heaven and earth to attempt to get the fans on Reigns' side, that reaction basically made Hunter beat Reigns like that :rofl: :rofl:. But when HHH grabbed the belt and lifted it in the air to cheers, i know he lowkey felt like smiling :lol:
man, this WM is going to SUCK. I never was a huge Triple H fan, but he's a great wrestler.. I just don't care to see him Main Event a title match at Wrestlemania. Sad reality that you need to put him into the mix this late in his career because you've done such a ****** job putting over newer talent. Where was Owens on this show? Won the IC title and can't even get a segment :lol: . Don't even wanna get into the 'co-main event' of Shane/Taker... sure it was nice seeing Shane back, but next week it'll be awful.. maybe they'll find a way to make it interesting but these types of angles where they fight for control of the company never end well and I don't see this being any different. Can't blame them with how thin the roster is right now but Shane/Taker HHH/Reigns are your two big matches at the biggest Mania they have had thus far.. let that sink in.

They really doing Shane vs Taker like who wants to see that
Raw was in Detroit? Not even the smarkiest city. Roman got Pittsburgh philly Chicago and BK left. Goodness.... Dude is gonna get ROASTED by the time he gets louder boos in Dallas.
They really doing Shane vs Taker like who wants to see that

Maybe they'll find a way to get Shane out of it and insert someone else, but it looks like they're banking on this being the match with the stip involved... jeez, I can't believe how bad this card is looking.
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