Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons


When I first watched this match, 10+ years after the fact, and not knowing about this... I legitimately stood up out of my chair and yelled Holy ******* ****... :wow:

Same :lol: I don't think I saw that match til 2010

Do you know what match this is exactly?... I think it's the 03 moty but not sure...

GHC Championship. It says Jan. 1st, 2003, but I think it's actually March 1st 2003

I would have bet money that @Peep Game
 never saw a match outside of America

**** you BeatSea
One of my favorite matches ever.

When I first watched this match, 10+ years after the fact, and not knowing about this... I legitimately stood up out of my chair and yelled Holy ******* ****... :wow:
Bruh. My reaction waa the same.
Hi DFly. 22 has been at happy hour since 7:45 this morning :smh:
22 is taking that title loss hard. :lol:
I have yet to see that match outside of gifs
Damn, Kidd even gets emasculated in passing
"Nattie, TJ should just take your last name"
If they weren't so hell bent on not putting Nattie out there on tv, I still think the, "Girl he doesn't appreciate you" angle between Tyson and NAttie could be solid on the main roster. 
Loved when WCW did this. They put damn Pat Tanaka under a mask and called him EL GATO. If that isn't the most generic fake luchador name in the history of wrestling. And Dusty and Tony are talking about how quick and mysterious he is.
[h3]THEY SAID IT[/h3]
“I’m trying to figure out why I have a problem with it.” – Jim Cornette, summing up his feelings on Shane’s match with the Undertaker at WrestleMania.

“Scott Coker looks like Samoa Joe with no self esteem.” – Brian Last
Wooooo![emoji]8482[/emoji] Nation #42 (2/20/16): Longtime WWF backstage figure Bruce Pritchard joins Ric and Conrad. They’re ostensibly there to preview the Fastlane show, but that’s only touched on briefly. Most of the show is about what Wrestlemania looks like, but more importantly, lots of old stories. You probably heard the one about Tugboat being concerned for the Sgt. Slaughter turncoat role, which is worth the price of admission. The only (slight) downside is multiple times Flair steers the conversation to mentioning/defending Charlotte. As a parent, I get the urge, but it does not make for good listening. THUMBS UP
  • Ric Flair’s podcast appears to be on a late Friday schedule. Rather than waiting and delaying the column, Flair’s Friday shows will be moved to the following week’s column.
VIP Lounge (2/21/16):  Kazeem Famuyide of TheStashed.com, who was on MLW #211 back in January, talks to Alex and MVP. It’s basically about his wrestling fandom, and also his experiences in the world of rap. I continue to be perplexed by the fascination with asking famous people about their wrestling fandom when it’s no different from talking to a random fan. The rap talk is OK if that’s your deal, but Alex feels the need to talk about the time Eddie Guerrero worked over the Undertaker’s eye yet again. THUMBS DOWN

Steve Austin Show #301 (2/23/16):  Steve’s BFF Wade Keller is back to discuss the Fastlane PPV, and they do a long (around 80 minute) discussion of the show and the road to Wrestlemania. This one is probably more interesting than most, as the show was not well received and there are serious questions about this Wrestlemania card. Wade always works well with Steve, and there’s an interesting discussion about Dolph Ziggler’s role in the company. Another solid show with Wade, although him thinking the Vince McMahon award was anything but a storyline was pretty comical. THUMBS UP

The Ross Report #106 (2/23/16):  Mark Madden is back for his occasional post-PPV appearance. He and JR discuss the Fastlane, possible directions for Mania, Daniel Bryan, Bellator, NXT, ROH, and more. They also briefly touch on Shane McMahon’s return, as it occurs when they’re recording the show! Madden is never afraid to challenge JR, although his comment calling the New Day a minstrel act is sadly never followed up on. I certainly don’t agree with everything Madden says, but these shows are always enjoyable and this is no exception. <Madden’s interview starts at 12:12>  THUMBS UP

Talk is Jericho #224 (2/24/15):  Nick and Matt Jackson, the Young Bucks, are the guests this week. They talk about their backyard days, getting the Young Bucks name, almost quitting wrestling, learning to have fun again, PWG, New Japan, and finding their own way in wrestling. There’s a very interesting story where both Matt and Nick realized they had a ton to learn after wrestling the Hardy Boys. The Bucks have a very interesting story and I credit Jericho for giving them the platform to discuss it. THUMBS UP & BEST OF THE WEEK

MLW Radio #215 (2/24/16/16):  Disco Inferno and Court start out the show discussing the dangers of today’s work style in lieu of the retirement of Daniel Bryan and also review the recent Big Japan Poseidon Adventure match. Then Konnan shows up and everyone discusses Shane McMahon’s return and the changing shape of WrestleMania. Disco’s phone conks out and he vanishes after a while. The show is a bit of a mess, but I did appreciate the lengthy discussion about Ultimo Dragon’s impact. THUMBS IN THE MIDDLE

Bauer & Pollock (2/24/16):  B&P discuss HBO TV, then segue to the big news of Shane McMahon’s return to the WWE and challenging the Undertaker. There’s a long discussion of whether the match is a good idea and Court’s personal dealings with Shane. They also discuss Triple H as a babyface, Wade Barrett leaving the WWE, Tapout, the WWE Network turns two, Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows in the WWE, Michael Elgin signing a deal with the WWE, Vince McMahon’s potty mouth, the Titus O’Neil situation, Lucha Underground having a live show, JR calling boxing, the Nate Diaz/Connor McGregor fight, and more. A nice recap of a notable week.THUMBS UP

Art of Wrestling #290 (2/26/16):  The last time Jay Lethal was on Art of Wrestling, he had just been released by TNA. Joining Colt again several years later, he talks about that release, getting back into Ring of Honor, wrestling in Japan, his early days in wrestling including winning an independent version of Tough Enough, the support his dad has given him, and a lot more. Lehtal’s made the poscasting rounds in the last few months, but this one is a lot more introspective than say, his appearance on Flair’s show. THUMBS UP

Steve Austin – Unleashed #302 (2/25/16):  Steve really loved the Shane and Brock/Ambrose segments on Raw, so much so that he called up Court Bauer to discuss them. And that’s basically what they do for 80 minutes. Court’s a good guest to have on, as he has personal experience working with Vince, Shane, and Stephanie, but by the end of the show it just feels like overkill. THUMBS IN THE MIDDLE

The Jim Cornette Experience #117 (2/25/16):  Jim and Brian talk about a lot, including their hatred for Vinyl, Joey Ryan (not mentioned by name), Kentucky’s new governor, memories of Eddie Gilbert and Kerry Von Erich, the epic Phil Hickerson/Dennis Condrey team, and a lot more. The classic wrestling talk is the highlight, as it often is, but the rest of the show is more palatable than usual. Last has done a fine job as co-host so far. THUMBS UP

Talk is Jericho #225 (2/26/16):  Charlie Benante of Anthrax joins Jericho to discuss…the Beatles? He and Y2J do a deep dive on three albums: Help, Rubber Soul, and the White Album, going track by track on each of them. I tend to like Jericho’s musical discussion shows, but this one just felt a little dry in comparison, although both men’s passion is commendable. There’s zero talk about Anthrax or their new album, in case that’s what you expected. <Benante’s interview starts at 3:06> THUMBS IN THE MIDDLE

MSL & Sullivan Show #21 (2/26/16):  As usual, current events, notably the return of Shane McMahon and the continuing struggles of Roman Reigns. Then it’s off in the Wayback Machine to review hour two of the September 9th, 1996 Nitro (featuring Faces of Fear vs. Public Enemy and Randy Savage vs. John Tenta). A lengthy mailbag, including a question about the moment that made both men fans, closes out the usual good show. THUMBS UP
Damn, Kidd even gets emasculated in passing :lol: "Nattie, TJ should just take your last name"
If they weren't so hell bent on not putting Nattie out there on tv, I still think the, "Girl he doesn't appreciate you" angle between Tyson and NAttie could be solid on the main roster. 

Really good idea, but they'd somehow mess it up

:rofl: Loved when WCW did this. They put damn Pat Tanaka under a mask and called him EL GATO. If that isn't the most generic fake luchador name in the history of wrestling. And Dusty and Tony are talking about how quick and mysterious he is.

View media item 1934654

View media item 1934655

:x :rofl:

:rofl:  Oooooooooooooooooo @casekicks

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I guess he could have watched TNA Global Wars or whatever PPV's they do from Japan

 how have you been feeling physically man?

Honestly I'm not in good shape right now..Got some issues with my Neurostimulator and my foot..Trying really hard to get things back on track by the time Mania week gets here..Kinda worried they won't be worked out by then though.. :frown:
Man Mike Tenay seriously brought a level of seriousness to the announce panel. They were cool before he got there, but the matches that Tenay called (international stars) he seriously EDUCATIONAL.

He is essentially what Mike Striker could have been if he wasn't so pressed to name drop moves and wrestlers. 
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