Wrestling Thread Jul 2-8 | 7/5 TNA Impact LIVE 8p et- Destination X Go Home Show, More CLAIRE LYNCH

@ Heyman at the end.

.gif worthy
this feud is pointless; Brock being back never is pointless
the WWE is turning into part time past superstars being more important than actual week to week talent 
The Zig Zag Man about to get Brogue Kicked for 19293480282304825873793593495938 time.
Originally Posted by toine2983

The Zig Zag Man about to get Brogue Kicked for 19293480282304825873793593495938 time.

Can't even call this a fued.. Since ziggler never won..
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Does anyone know when Jericho's leaving again or is that still in limbo?

He has tour dates all through mid August till the end of September, though he is off basically every Monday night (it would be a ton of crazy travel though).
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by toine2983

The Zig Zag Man about to get Brogue Kicked for 19293480282304825873793593495938 time.

Can't even call this a fued.. Since ziggler never won..
I believe he's lost to Sheamus 6 times (all via Brogue Kick) in the past month.
Wow they brought back the Intercontinental belt from the early 90's. Nice.

With the NFL and NBA season being over I figured I'll watch a lil wrestling this summer but this #%#% is terrible.
II still don't understand why people like Sheamus. What has he ever done to get over as a babyface?
Armando Alejandro Estrada supposedly returned as Tyson Kidd's manager tonight for the Superstars tapings.  I can't confirm this to be 100% true at this point.
Do you guys think they'll let DDP do the Diamond Cutter?  I say yes but who knows.  WWE is weird with that kind of stuff.
Sad day in WWE history when a 87lb. woman is the best thing going in the entire company..
AJ really does play the psychotic clingy part real well. Deserves the push she's getting.

Punk's shrug and IDGAF attitude.
So are they pushing Kidd as a solo wrestler then cause I enjoyed his tag team with Gabriel. Either way, Tyson on T.V is always welcomed. Now get Hunico on T.V more.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Armando Alejandro Estrada supposedly returned as Tyson Kidd's manager tonight for the Superstars tapings.  I can't confirm this to be 100% true at this point.
Do you guys think they'll let DDP do the Diamond Cutter?  I say yes but who knows.  WWE is weird with that kind of stuff.

They will, it will be a way to "humiliate" orton. If not, he could do his other finisher, which ppl may know as the styles clash (minus pinning combo)
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