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Originally Posted by doyung9
Someone who follows closely, I'd like an opinion.
Do you think WWE merchandise sales would suffer if they tried to REALLY turn Cena heel? I mean, it sounds like half the crowd, definitely the older side of it, hates him anyway? Even when he's trying not to sound cliche, he does. I'd really consider tuning in more often if he ditched the head to toe matching gear and didn't seem like such a billboard. Even when DX/Stone Cold/Rocky were all "selling" they didn't seem so blatant. Dude has on a hat/sweatband/armband/armband/t-shirt combo.
I haven't followed wrestling closely in a good 10 years but I've been a fan for a good 25 years now.. so I'm trying to digest all of this from a historical perspective.
I think Cena's major heel run can only happen once. It's gotta be a heel turn of Hollywood (Hogan) proportions. And the thing is, the adult-skewing fans that currently boo him will probably welcome this change. Dude's being the good corporate merchandise-selling employee right now but I think we'll definitely see his full potential as a performer when he's allowed to go heel. I can't speak for others but as a child, I lovvvved Hogan as much as kids probably love Cena right now. And his heel turn was devastating. So will Cena's (to the children who buy his gear, etc...) and I think the WWE knows that too. I fully believe they'll be driving the direction of the company around his heel turn (ie, the main over-arching storyline for an entire season or two).
Not entirely sure how long Punk's gonna be gone but I think there's at least a larger themed establishment (old guard) vs anti-establishment (new guard) battle ahead. HHH vs Punk. Rock vs Cena. Cena's heel turn can be organic. He's doesn't need to turn "evil." He can just decide to ditch the corporate shilling / movie making / brand pushing and decide he wants to just wrestle.
Edit: Damn it. I've typed that all out and Cena would still be a face. Well, I'm stumped. How to turn him heel without it feeling forced...