Wrestling Thread July 25-31 | 7/27 - Cena Wins WWE Title, Cena vs Punk @ SummerSlam to Unify Titles

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

 - Vince McMahon was reportedly disappointed with the outcome of Tough Enough and how the show failed, in his eyes, to produce new marketable talent with potential to be a top star.

Maybe they shouldn't have cut Austin Aries before the show even started.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

 - Vince McMahon was reportedly disappointed with the outcome of Tough Enough and how the show failed, in his eyes, to produce new marketable talent with potential to be a top star.

Maybe they shouldn't have cut Austin Aries before the show even started.
Originally Posted by GL Rayner

Originally Posted by likethematrix

if the wwe can get away from the reality tv type drama and go back to sex and comedy... they would win again.

when the rock, stone cold and mankind were all on the roster... every single show was hilarious.
remember when mr. socko visited vince in the hospital?
thats when vince was the man.

can we get back to that?
funny wrestlers?

most of these guys go out wrestling tryiing to be a regular person.
dont no one give a %%%% about cm punks real life.
I have to disagree with that somewhat. The Attitude era was great and all, but I enjoy a wrestling matches more than a "funny" angle. To be honest, while WWF/E was doing the Rock/Sock angles, I was checking out the wrestling matches on WCW(Jericho,Benoit,etc).
The Attitude Era is romanticize.  Yes, there was a lot of good stuff, but there was also a lot of crap.
No one cares about Punk's real life?  I disagree.  All of this re-found interest in pro wrestling over the past month is due solely to CM Punk.

And as far as getting away from tv type drama, don't count on it.  WWE is filled with soap opera writers.  The Vince/HHH thing was straight out of a soap opera.
Originally Posted by GL Rayner

Originally Posted by likethematrix

if the wwe can get away from the reality tv type drama and go back to sex and comedy... they would win again.

when the rock, stone cold and mankind were all on the roster... every single show was hilarious.
remember when mr. socko visited vince in the hospital?
thats when vince was the man.

can we get back to that?
funny wrestlers?

most of these guys go out wrestling tryiing to be a regular person.
dont no one give a %%%% about cm punks real life.
I have to disagree with that somewhat. The Attitude era was great and all, but I enjoy a wrestling matches more than a "funny" angle. To be honest, while WWF/E was doing the Rock/Sock angles, I was checking out the wrestling matches on WCW(Jericho,Benoit,etc).
The Attitude Era is romanticize.  Yes, there was a lot of good stuff, but there was also a lot of crap.
No one cares about Punk's real life?  I disagree.  All of this re-found interest in pro wrestling over the past month is due solely to CM Punk.

And as far as getting away from tv type drama, don't count on it.  WWE is filled with soap opera writers.  The Vince/HHH thing was straight out of a soap opera.
Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin

What up Yall. Been a long time since I've checked in. 4wrestling good to see your still doing a amazing job with the wrestling threads.

I've gotten prolly the world's best job and now I got some more time to keep up with everything I usto. WWE is really picking it up. The storylines right now are honeslty some of the best stuff since the attitude ERA.

One comment on this weeks RAW... When they showed a flashback of the summerslam Bret Hart/ Davey Boy Smith for the IC title... Goes to show us how that title has lost it's meaning. WWE really needs to start using the title for the right reasons for the Mid Card talent who is ready to explode into main event status soon.

Glad to have you back.
The problem with re-establishing the US and IC titles is that the rosters are so thin, that with both show having heavyweight titles, it's hard to make the secondary titles feel meaningful because all the top guys are involved in the WWE/World title picture.  You have to remember, back in the 80's and 90's, the roster was much larger, and the IC Title was the #2 title in the company.
Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin

What up Yall. Been a long time since I've checked in. 4wrestling good to see your still doing a amazing job with the wrestling threads.

I've gotten prolly the world's best job and now I got some more time to keep up with everything I usto. WWE is really picking it up. The storylines right now are honeslty some of the best stuff since the attitude ERA.

One comment on this weeks RAW... When they showed a flashback of the summerslam Bret Hart/ Davey Boy Smith for the IC title... Goes to show us how that title has lost it's meaning. WWE really needs to start using the title for the right reasons for the Mid Card talent who is ready to explode into main event status soon.

Glad to have you back.
The problem with re-establishing the US and IC titles is that the rosters are so thin, that with both show having heavyweight titles, it's hard to make the secondary titles feel meaningful because all the top guys are involved in the WWE/World title picture.  You have to remember, back in the 80's and 90's, the roster was much larger, and the IC Title was the #2 title in the company.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Dave Meltzer gave the Cena/Punk match 5 stars in this week's Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

Meltzer hasn't given a WWF/E match 5 stars since 1997.

It's only the fifth WWF/E match to receive that rating.

What?Undertaker vs HBK @ Wrestlemania 25.. didn't get a five star rating. .
I can understand the five stars. As great a match as HBK/Taker I was, it was an isolated program with no championship on the line and had no long-term effects on the company. The Punk/Cena match was for the biggest title in the business and the fact that, at least in storyline, the lineal WWE championship was cut off as a result, justifies the five stars IMO.
Taker/HBK got 4 3/4.
I really disagree with the 5* rating for this match.  It was awesome, but if you put that match in front of any other crowd, and it is not half as good.  Plus, there were way too many botches and obvious spot calling for it to be 5*.
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Dave Meltzer gave the Cena/Punk match 5 stars in this week's Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

Meltzer hasn't given a WWF/E match 5 stars since 1997.

It's only the fifth WWF/E match to receive that rating.

What?Undertaker vs HBK @ Wrestlemania 25.. didn't get a five star rating. .
I can understand the five stars. As great a match as HBK/Taker I was, it was an isolated program with no championship on the line and had no long-term effects on the company. The Punk/Cena match was for the biggest title in the business and the fact that, at least in storyline, the lineal WWE championship was cut off as a result, justifies the five stars IMO.
Taker/HBK got 4 3/4.
I really disagree with the 5* rating for this match.  It was awesome, but if you put that match in front of any other crowd, and it is not half as good.  Plus, there were way too many botches and obvious spot calling for it to be 5*.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by doyung9

Someone who follows closely, I'd like an opinion.

Do you think WWE merchandise sales would suffer if they tried to REALLY turn Cena heel? I mean, it sounds like half the crowd, definitely the older side of it, hates him anyway? Even when he's trying not to sound cliche, he does. I'd really consider tuning in more often if he ditched the head to toe matching gear and didn't seem like such a billboard. Even when DX/Stone Cold/Rocky were all "selling" they didn't seem so blatant. Dude has on a hat/sweatband/armband/armband/t-shirt combo.

I haven't followed wrestling closely in a good 10 years but I've been a fan for a good 25 years now.. so I'm trying to digest all of this from a historical perspective.
I think Cena's major heel run can only happen once. It's gotta be a heel turn of Hollywood (Hogan) proportions. And the thing is, the adult-skewing fans that currently boo him will probably welcome this change. Dude's being the good corporate merchandise-selling employee right now but I think we'll definitely see his full potential as a performer when he's allowed to go heel. I can't speak for others but as a child, I lovvvved Hogan as much as kids probably love Cena right now. And his heel turn was devastating. So will Cena's (to the children who buy his gear, etc...) and I think the WWE knows that too. I fully believe they'll be driving the direction of the company around his heel turn (ie, the main over-arching storyline for an entire season or two).

Not entirely sure how long Punk's gonna be gone but I think there's at least a larger themed establishment (old guard) vs anti-establishment (new guard) battle ahead. HHH vs Punk. Rock vs Cena. Cena's heel turn can be organic. He's doesn't need to turn "evil." He can just decide to ditch the corporate shilling / movie making / brand pushing and decide he wants to just wrestle.

Edit: Damn it. I've typed that all out and Cena would still be a face. Well, I'm stumped. How to turn him heel without it feeling forced...
It's really hard to say about Cena turning heel.  It all comes down to how they do it.  I'm really racking my brain to think of what they could do to even turn him heel at this point.  Attacking anyone on the current roster isn't going to turn him heel.  Little kids still cheered him over The Rock when the two were together.  The only way I think they could do it is getting Vince over as a complete ***hole heel, and then having Cena align with him as the Corporate Champ.  But with Vince "gone" for now, that idea is out the window.
The other problem is, while turning Cena heel might sounds cool, he really is the face of WWE.  He does a TON of media and charity work.  There is really no one else that can fill his spot.  There is no chance Orton could handle that role, and no one else is near big enough to do it either.  So it's much bigger than just a business decision of selling merchandise.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by doyung9

Someone who follows closely, I'd like an opinion.

Do you think WWE merchandise sales would suffer if they tried to REALLY turn Cena heel? I mean, it sounds like half the crowd, definitely the older side of it, hates him anyway? Even when he's trying not to sound cliche, he does. I'd really consider tuning in more often if he ditched the head to toe matching gear and didn't seem like such a billboard. Even when DX/Stone Cold/Rocky were all "selling" they didn't seem so blatant. Dude has on a hat/sweatband/armband/armband/t-shirt combo.

I haven't followed wrestling closely in a good 10 years but I've been a fan for a good 25 years now.. so I'm trying to digest all of this from a historical perspective.
I think Cena's major heel run can only happen once. It's gotta be a heel turn of Hollywood (Hogan) proportions. And the thing is, the adult-skewing fans that currently boo him will probably welcome this change. Dude's being the good corporate merchandise-selling employee right now but I think we'll definitely see his full potential as a performer when he's allowed to go heel. I can't speak for others but as a child, I lovvvved Hogan as much as kids probably love Cena right now. And his heel turn was devastating. So will Cena's (to the children who buy his gear, etc...) and I think the WWE knows that too. I fully believe they'll be driving the direction of the company around his heel turn (ie, the main over-arching storyline for an entire season or two).

Not entirely sure how long Punk's gonna be gone but I think there's at least a larger themed establishment (old guard) vs anti-establishment (new guard) battle ahead. HHH vs Punk. Rock vs Cena. Cena's heel turn can be organic. He's doesn't need to turn "evil." He can just decide to ditch the corporate shilling / movie making / brand pushing and decide he wants to just wrestle.

Edit: Damn it. I've typed that all out and Cena would still be a face. Well, I'm stumped. How to turn him heel without it feeling forced...
It's really hard to say about Cena turning heel.  It all comes down to how they do it.  I'm really racking my brain to think of what they could do to even turn him heel at this point.  Attacking anyone on the current roster isn't going to turn him heel.  Little kids still cheered him over The Rock when the two were together.  The only way I think they could do it is getting Vince over as a complete ***hole heel, and then having Cena align with him as the Corporate Champ.  But with Vince "gone" for now, that idea is out the window.
The other problem is, while turning Cena heel might sounds cool, he really is the face of WWE.  He does a TON of media and charity work.  There is really no one else that can fill his spot.  There is no chance Orton could handle that role, and no one else is near big enough to do it either.  So it's much bigger than just a business decision of selling merchandise.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Also, Punk's at Comic Con. WWE's at Comic Con.

Should we expect any kind of confrontation? I'm thinking no. But that would be rad.
Well, it happened.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Also, Punk's at Comic Con. WWE's at Comic Con.

Should we expect any kind of confrontation? I'm thinking no. But that would be rad.
Well, it happened.
The WWE struck gold with this storyline.

hands down.

only bad thing about that video is the WWE officials that were around him and the official that let him in.    But it was a fan video. Still 
none the less.  

I think he should be at the Sumerslam presser and do the same thing.  This WWE era's SCSA as put by 4w.   That's what they are doing but with social media and other events that they could not do with Austin
The WWE struck gold with this storyline.

hands down.

only bad thing about that video is the WWE officials that were around him and the official that let him in.    But it was a fan video. Still 
none the less.  

I think he should be at the Sumerslam presser and do the same thing.  This WWE era's SCSA as put by 4w.   That's what they are doing but with social media and other events that they could not do with Austin
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