Wrestling Thread June 1st-4th/Post Extreme Rules Discussion

The E has to let the Bullet Club flourish.  They'd sell so much merch if they could work out a licensing deal with NJPW.
NJPW letting E flourish? NAAHHHH

AJ teaming with Finn is gonna have me mark out tho!
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how are we supposed to think that braun has chance against brock if the big dog already beat him?

they let joe beat reigns but not braun smh
So what are some brand switching would you guys like to see?

IFor me've been thinking how there are more dudes on Raw that could do more on Smackdown like Cesaro, Sheamus, Rusev. I think Sasha would be good for star power in that division. Was thinking Charlotte but she's so head and shoulders above everyone else it would be laughable. I was thinking the Miz going to Raw but I want to see if him and Dbry turns into anything. Plus he gets time on SD like no one else.

I'm still a believer that if Seth holds any world title it should be the WWE Championship and not the Universal belt. Plus I think Smackdown would allow Seth to really be a more over babyface. Plus AJ on Raw would be good IF it was Bullet Club stuff coming but AJ with that Universal belt is :x downgrade IMO.

I enjoyed Smackdown when Angle, Edge, Rey, Beniot, Batista were there because it allow them more growth and they put on matches and stories. Hell at Survivor Series it was Edge and Rey (Champs) vs Beniot/Angle vs Los Gurreos that match was dope! Plus they had Taker and Batista story line going.

had to watch impact for brandi

cody with no damns given wearing that washed bullet club sweater
Goldberg a kid vs Braun and Brock in a handicap match at next years mania please....

Goldberg's reaction to him dabbing lmao
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Pic of Roman after the mania match

Bring back The Samoan Swat Team..

Does Raw have a new set design?..

It's just the same set they've been using all weekend. Hall of fame, nxt, raw and prolly smackdown gonna use it and revert back next week. It's a mashup of raw and sd sets
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