Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

Someone make a kick starter for Luke Harper to get some plumbing and a washer machine from PC Richard and son.
I thought like that before. But at the same time he is in the most elite version of his profession on tv almost weekly. Even if he's losing...he's doing it on a level very few have. Like being a benchwarmer in the NBA. He achieved the dream but not exactly the amount of glory he wanted.

That's true..But imagine how he feels when the roster shows up to the hotel and nobody asks for his autograph..Or doing a signing and Virgil has more people in his line than he does..
Someone make a kick starter for Luke Harper to get some plumbing and a washer machine from PC Richard and son.

I thought like that before. But at the same time he is in the most elite version of his profession on tv almost weekly. Even if he's losing...he's doing it on a level very few have. Like being a benchwarmer in the NBA. He achieved the dream but not exactly the amount of glory he wanted.
Perry Jones wants to play
Rick Brunson wanted to play
Kevin Ollie wanted to play

I see what you are trying to say but those dudes aren't happy with that role. They might shutup about it because they don't want to get in trouble but they want more.

Health Slater has some talent too. If you get a chance watch some of his FCW work on YouTube.

I hope in the next WWE 2K game that they allow Eric Rowan's mask to be equiped during the match and as damage is done to his face the mask can be knocked off. Much like how Vega's mask could be knocked off in the Street Fighter 2 series.
If there were zero commentary during this match it'd be perfect..
That's true..But imagine how he feels when the roster shows up to the hotel and nobody asks for his autograph..Or doing a signing and Virgil has more people in his line than he does..
Everyone can't be great unfortunately. I mean it sucks he doesn't win. Nobody in a business like that(or people in general) likes to lose. But he plays the jobber role so well. Barry Horowitz would be proud.
For the record I like Slater a couple years ago at the Axcess for SummerSlam he had a match vs McGillicuty and like 80% of us were cheering for him. Of course he lost that match too. :frown:
I like 3MB for what they are man. The fact that they have hornswoggle is hilarious. Music is kinda tough too
Everyone can't be great unfortunately. I mean it sucks he doesn't win. Nobody in a business like that(or people in general) likes to lose. But he plays the jobber role so well. Barry Horowitz would be proud.

I see what you're saying, but dude actually has talent and it's just being wasted cause he's not 285 with 4 % body fat..I know it'd never get pushed they way it would deserve, but I can't help but think that bringing back the cruiserweight belt would be a fantastic idea..And it'd actually give some of these guys something to do..
I'm just gonna start doing Harper's weird "GaahHhhhHHhhh" sound at work, for no reason.
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