Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I'm very familiar with how Slater feels. My senior year I hurt my ankle during bball practice and went from starter to benchwarmer cause I couldn't stay healthy. It ate me inside up for a minute.
I'm goin with Dolph here, because they need someone to take some bumps and look good at doing so during the MITB match.
 , you going to Raw in DC on June 23rd?

I'm in Columbia for the summer and I'm thinking about getting tickets. 
Nah, I don't feel like sitting around for 6 hours man. I am done with WWE shows for a while. Went to the last 3 events. Outside of a few entrances and some MaiN Event matches from Kofi I haven't been THAT imrpessed. I am sure there was other stuff but not worth sitting in those cramped seats all night.

Plus that ROH show makes me not want to go back.

I do plan on flying to Tampa and going to see an NXT show this summer. That is a promise I made to myself
I see what you're saying, but dude actually has talent and it's just being wasted cause he's not 285 with 4 % body fat..I know it'd never get pushed they way it would deserve, but I can't help but think that bringing back the cruiserweight belt would be a fantastic idea..And it'd actually give some of these guys something to do..
My friends and I have the same theory. It would give them the chance to showcase their skills and not be in throwaway matches or getting jobbed out all the time. There are many talents who never get to shine cause of body type or someone up top doesn't like them or whatever. Talent should win over nepotism and favoritism but that happens in every business. It's sad but true. :frown:
I will say that I miss Biggie and AJ coming out with Dolph man. Those were the good ol' days man. :smh:

My man Dolph :smokin
Dolph losing y'all. Sorry
That Ziggler pop 

This match is going to be amazing man. It's a qualifying match so I'm hoping they give them a decent amount of time
Man they took ADR's pyros

then his cars

then his ring announcer

now his entrance. 


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