Wrestling Thread Mar 10-23 | 3/17 RAW - Three Weeks Till WrestleMania XXX

Paige was in the early Wyatt promos right? She'd be a cool addition when brought up, at the same time she could probably so fine on her own though.

Nah I think that might have been Emma or some other chick that might have been released. Pretty sure it was a blonde.

Peep and I had the same idea on that. A serious ODB from TNA would have fit perfect with the group as the lone hillbilly female.

I think i remember saying the Wyatt's needed a dirty filthy trashbag skank...Ashley Massaro :lol:
That Andre, Hogan match is hella overrated IMO...

Don't think about the match itself...its not rated highly in terms of wrestling prowess as it isn't Hogan or Andre's best performance, but the importance of the match is why it is rated so highly.
Cena can't help but to make corny jokes. Christ I hate him
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