Wrestling Thread Mar 10-23 | 3/17 RAW - Three Weeks Till WrestleMania XXX

I think i remember saying the Wyatt's needed a dirty filthy trashbag skank...Ashley Massaro
Why do we need a battle royal when we have the royal rumble 2 PPVs ago?
I guess just so everyone can get a Mania payday.

I hate John Cena's character, man. Pure hatred.
Don't think about the match itself...its not rated highly in terms of wrestling prowess as it isn't Hogan or Andre's best performance, but the importance of the match is why it is rated so highly.

Exactly..I honestly can't think of a better match that has been used to "pass the torch" better than Hulk vs. Andre..
Damnit, if only someone could tell me how to get the WWE app I'd be able to see what happens between commercials..Vince really should have a commentator give fans some details on how to use WWE's social media..
Why the hell do we need to see Cena taking on members of the Wyatt family? Que the boring chants.
So royal rumble in January and now April??? 

Must have got too many angry emails about ron being #30
"When was the last time you've seen Cena manhandled like this??"

Brock Lesnar
Mark Henry
Big Show
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