Wrestling Thread Mar 10-23 | 3/17 RAW - Three Weeks Till WrestleMania XXX

Benoit/Y2J feud for the IC title was absolute flames. 

Which brings me to pose this question. It's no secret that the mid-card titles are virtually useless. What would you do to bring the prestige back?

Here's my thoughts:
-Unify titles
-Have more heated rivalries
-Concentrate on the build
-Don't do a one month feud. Have it expand out over the course of a few PPVs
-Change titles more often
-Utilize ladder, HIAC, best 2 out of 3 matches

They don't really have the people fighting for them have any chase for the title. It's more like a random title match on Raw out of nowhere and a surprise win. If they built up the mid card characters more and didn't throw them straight into the Heavyweight Championship mix I think it could make it more important.
They don't really have the people fighting for them have any chase for the title. It's more like a random title match on Raw out of nowhere and a surprise win. If they built up the mid card characters more and didn't throw them straight into the Heavyweight Championship mix I think it could make it more important.

They should watch the attitude era and look at how prestigious the ic title last was. Or how jericho turned it around and made it last relevant.
anybody else bothered at the fact that the creepy old dude was huggin up and recording DBry the whole time during the Occupy Raw segment? :lol:

I always hated the fact there's a PPV erry month. Why can't it be RR, WM, Summer Slam, Survivor Series and like maybe 2 or 3 others?

what's eem worst is a return match on raw the next night smh.
I always hated the fact there's a PPV erry month. Why can't it be RR, WM, Summer Slam, Survivor Series and like maybe 2 or 3 others?

what's eem worst is a return match on raw the next night smh.

Money Money Money.

Pay Per Views were like 50 cash, now multiply that by 200,000 minimum. All Vince sees are those dollar signs and 0s adding up
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Money Money Money.

Pay Per Views were like 50 cash, now multiply that by 200,000 minimum. All Vince sees are those dollar signs and 0s adding up
that's true

that's why we see these one month feuds. Cats be feuding with 12 different wrestlers a year :lol:
I think that problem is due to Vince and creative believing that non smarks have a short attention span (ADHD Generation)
Benoit/Y2J feud for the IC title was absolute flames. 

Which brings me to pose this question. It's no secret that the mid-card titles are virtually useless. What would you do to bring the prestige back?

Here's my thoughts:
-Unify titles
-Have more heated rivalries
-Concentrate on the build
-Don't do a one month feud. Have it expand out over the course of a few PPVs
-Change titles more often
-Utilize ladder, HIAC, best 2 out of 3 matches

My thoughts:
Titles: 4, WHC, IC, Tag Team and Cruiserweights. Have NXT as the farm system, NXT Heavyweight and Tag titles.

With so much wrestling accessible thru the Network, build feuds up. Let the WHC be so prestigious that its fought at every 3-4 months sort of like what New Japan does.
More cross-promotion with NXT.
Have maybe 1 or 2 gimmick matches per PPV, if that.

Just some tings I would like to see in the future, even though its a pipe dream.
Benoit/Y2J feud for the IC title was absolute flames. 

Which brings me to pose this question. It's no secret that the mid-card titles are virtually useless. What would you do to bring the prestige back?

Here's my thoughts:

-Unify titles

-Have more heated rivalries

-Concentrate on the build

-Don't do a one month feud. Have it expand out over the course of a few PPVs

-Change titles more often

-Utilize ladder, HIAC, best 2 out of 3 matches
It blows my mind that WWE has like 17 writers and can't come up with any type of actual programs for the midcard guys.  Instead, we just get them in match after meaningless match with no reason behind it.
Benoit/Y2J feud for the IC title was absolute flames. 

Which brings me to pose this question. It's no secret that the mid-card titles are virtually useless. What would you do to bring the prestige back?

Here's my thoughts:

-Unify titles

-Have more heated rivalries

-Concentrate on the build

-Don't do a one month feud. Have it expand out over the course of a few PPVs

-Change titles more often

-Utilize ladder, HIAC, best 2 out of 3 matches
Only thing I disagree with.  The titles lose their prestige if you change them too often.  Maybe, 3-4xs per year, but the WHC only gets changed 1-2xs per year.
Only thing I disagree with.  The titles lose their prestige if you change them too often.  Maybe, 3-4xs per year, but the WHC only gets changed 1-2xs per year.

I was about to post the same opinion..Changing titles frequently is what made them be meaningless to begin with..It's not impressive to me that Shovel, Cena, and Orton have all held the World title a dozen times a piece..

I think a thing that could make the IC/US title mean something, besides unifying them, is to have a main event guy hold one for a 5-6 month reign..Make them be proud to have that belt..Make them defend it every other week on tv..And then that belt will actually mean something in the eyes of the fans..
Word is that AJ is indeed being punished due to her relationship with Punk. WWE is trying to send a message to him.

Word is that AJ is indeed being punished due to her relationship with Punk. WWE is trying to send a message to him.

There is talk of AJ Lee dropping the WWE Divas title sooner rather than later. Some feel it could come as soon as tonight’s WWE Main Event broadcast on the WWE Network. We shall see.

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