Wrestling Thread Mar 23-29 | 3/23 RAW - Edge vs Big Show; HHH vs Orton/Dibiase

Looks like Legacy isn't going away anytime soon.

From the upcoming items section on wweshop.com

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-- As reported earlier, Big Show was originally earmarked to take part in the Money in the Bank Match at WrestleMania XXV, but Vince McMahon decided to put him in the World Heavyweight Championship bout instead. Mark Henry ended up taking place in the bout. Had Big Show stayed in the match, he was expected to win the briefcase.

McMahon felt they had done John Cena vs. Edge way too many times before, so he changed the bout to a three-way match by adding Big Show to it. Although, weeks worth of angles between Cena and Edge were shot before he came to this decision.

wow really vince...? the big slow? now i'm kinda glad he's in the main event instead of the MITB. MITB is topush mid carders not push has beens

Whoa whoa wait...that BETTER not mean Henry is gonna win it in Show's place.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Whoa whoa wait...that BETTER not mean Henry is gonna win it in Show's place.
Na...but they needed that spot filled.

@ Big Show was gonna MITB...that's pitiful.
so we can pretty much say that big show is gonna win the belt at mania, and also because edge will take time off after mania as previously posted by someone
Originally Posted by YardFather

Looks like Legacy isn't going away anytime soon.

From the upcoming items section on wweshop.com


I quoted myself just because it was the last post on page 10 and didn't know if anyone saw it.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Whoa whoa wait...that BETTER not mean Henry is gonna win it in Show's place.
Na...but they needed that spot filled.

@ Big Show was gonna MITB...that's pitiful.
Would you really be surprised, though? You never know.

so we can pretty much say that big show is gonna win the belt at mania, and also because edge will take time off after mania as previously posted by someone

I actually think the MITB winner will become WHC that night..just a hunch. Have Slow or Cena about to win then MITB winner comes out and bang..you get yourface or heel title win to send them home happy(depending on how they're gonna book Orton/MegatronH)
I don't about ya'll, but I like Show.

I wouldn't be mad if he won since Edge is suppose to be taking time off.
Show was cool when he returned with all the weight he lost, now he just looks like another Khali being back in his old weight.
I think Cena will win it, Edge takes a break, Cena holds the title for a month or two, Edge comes back and takes the title from Cena "injuring" himso that Cena could take a break to film his next movie.
Rebranded - To brand something is to associate an identity (name, logo, set of qualities, etc.) with it, so to debrand something would be to remove such anidentity. A company may do this deliberately, as when a company merges with another and decide to associate a new name with its products, so they would have toremove the old identity from people's impressions of those products, or when an airline is associated with a crash and changes its brand so that peoplewill not associate the crash with the company. Or, it may happen unintentionally, as when a company which was once well known handles things badly and no onerecognizes its brands any more.
Wouldn't it have been smarter and more entertaining to just have these guys face each other in singles matches and then do the 8 man tag right beforeWrestlemania?
hbk and taker is going to be a CLASSIC. you see hbk acting like his old self at the end of smackdown?
HBK and Taker should definitely be the main event, that promo tonight, just like all the others so far was
I wasnt feeling the Michaels promo, but it was something different so I have no problems with it. My wife was laughing at him the whoe time though.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by YardFather

Looks like Legacy isn't going away anytime soon.

From the upcoming items section on wweshop.com


I quoted myself just because it was the last post on page 10 and didn't know if anyone saw it.

I want that shirt just so... for once in my life... I can take the L and keep it moving.
John Cena Challenges The Rock for WM 26?
Date Added: March 28, 2009
Story By: Marc Middleton
- In a new interview with MTV News, John Cena has challenged The Rock to a match at WrestleMania 26. Cena hasn't officially challenged The Rock but says he would like to get him in the ring. "I've been trying to wrestle him," Cena told MTV's Josh Horowitz at a Cold Stone Creamery in New York City. "It's not that he won't accept the challenge. He truly has a full plate."

"What a better showdown - Dwayne Johnson - or The Rock or whatever he wants to be called - versus John Cena at, let's say, WrestleMania 26," Cena said. "I'm not even saying I'm going to win. He's a hell of an athlete. God-given ability. One of the nicest people ever to grace a WWE ring. I'd just like to get him back for a night."

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

John Cena Challenges The Rock for WM 26?
Date Added: March 28, 2009
Story By: Marc Middleton
- In a new interview with MTV News, John Cena has challenged The Rock to a match at WrestleMania 26. Cena hasn't officially challenged The Rock but says he would like to get him in the ring. "I've been trying to wrestle him," Cena told MTV's Josh Horowitz at a Cold Stone Creamery in New York City. "It's not that he won't accept the challenge. He truly has a full plate."

"What a better showdown - Dwayne Johnson - or The Rock or whatever he wants to be called - versus John Cena at, let's say, WrestleMania 26," Cena said. "I'm not even saying I'm going to win. He's a hell of an athlete. God-given ability. One of the nicest people ever to grace a WWE ring. I'd just like to get him back for a night."


I hope that happens.

As for Smackdown, that HBK promo was

I also watched the 30 Min WM Icons show and they said Wrestlemania was going to be 4 hours.

Should've been 5 hours like Mania 20 and add ECW Title (Bourne vs Dreamer vs Kidd vs Swagger)
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