Wrestling Thread Mar29-Apr4 | 4/2 WWE Smackdown - Must Watch Show

Over/Under 6 months until both members of Cryme Tyme are wished the best on their future endeavors?
That big boot was beast!
If they're smart, they'd put Shad and Zeke together, although the matches those two would have would probably be awful
^Those belt do meant something back in the day.

Until Cena ruined it.

9 time champ?

Great read BTW. HBK GOAT

Lost respect for Foley and Flair.
speakin o f tiffany:
Galloway (Mcintyre) is engaged to WWE Diva Tiffany with plans for a May wedding.

WWE NXT rookie Daniel Bryan has updated his WWE Universe blogwith his thoughts on Shawn Michaels' retirement, as well as people backstage in WWE who do not think he's got what it takes to be a star.

Bryan, who was trained by Shawn Michaels' Texas Wrestling Academy school a decade ago, says he spoke with his former teacher following WrestleMania. "I was able to speak with him briefly Sunday night, and he told me that it was my time now and if I ever needed anything to just let him know. Words cannot express my gratitude for the great training he gave me, and for his support. I’m sure he will miss wrestling, but wrestling will miss him even more."

Bryan, who broke into wrestling through Shawn Michaels's TWA training school ten years ago, also talked about not being liked by "some backstage" and continued to play up the TV storyline where his perceived lack of charisma and size is an issue.

"I know I’m not what WWE usually looks for in a Superstar. It’s quite obvious by Michael Cole’s commentary that he doesn’t think I have what it takes and I know there are even more people in the back who think the same thing. They doubt my mic skills and they doubt whether the WWE Universe can get behind someone who looks as plain as I do...but none of them doubt my in ring ability," Bryan said.

"I may not be what the WWE looks for when they’re recruiting, but most of the people they recruit don’t have the passion for this business that people like Shawn Michaels have. I do, and I’ve proven it over the last ten years. I will outwork, outsmart and outclass 99.9% of the muscleheads and pretty boys that they think have the right 'look.'"
Wow... I can't believe I forgot about The Brahma Bull Belt. I miss the Attitude Era... great moments like The Rock throwing Stone Cold off the bridge.
Swagger just doesn't look comfortable as a champion right. I know its just been a few days, but hes gonna Bore the eff outta everybody and hopefully drops the belt at the end next PPV.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Swagger just doesn't look comfortable as a champion right. I know its just been a few days, but hes gonna Bore the eff outta everybody and hopefully drops the belt at the end next PPV.

I disagree.  This dude has the ability to get crowd reaction on the mic.  I enjoyed his State of the Heavyweight Championship address.  Plus, if he's in a program with Jericho & Edge, they won't need him to carry the mic work.  I hope they let Swagger carry the belt until SS... that way it feels like a legit reign.
Originally Posted by BayBuryYa

Originally Posted by hymen man

Swagger just doesn't look comfortable as a champion right. I know its just been a few days, but hes gonna Bore the eff outta everybody and hopefully drops the belt at the end next PPV.

I disagree.  This dude has the ability to get crowd reaction on the mic.  I enjoyed his State of the Heavyweight Championship address.  Plus, if he's in a program with Jericho & Edge, they won't need him to carry the mic work.  I hope they let Swagger carry the belt until SS... that way it feels like a legit reign.

QFT short title reigns are killing the WWE.
Thwagger is Thwagdown Thwampion!!

Seriously, I am pumped about this. He is a fresh face who actualy has talent and rarley botches (besides the briefcase). As was mentioned, he needs to have a multimonth run as champ. Thing is, I still think he can get over without a massive reign, as CM Punk never had a good reign, but is uber over as a heel.
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