Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

I HATE that flippy spot from Neville. Why does he have THAT much energy to do that at the END of a match???
From the second rope
cot damn Neville
He's done some even better stuff in the indies.
my bad i wanna see young guys get a good start. i don't want them winning titles, but I want them to be booked the right way even if they lose.

He is tho. Besides having a big fued this guy has had one hell of a month. Kotr finals and 2 championship matches against cena + a ppv match. Stop it
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Why can't these NXT guys get out of the AA clean? Seth does it with ease.
These Chena US matches are strictly to make his opponents look good.

The progression is the same > kick out of AA / STF > get AA'd for the pin.
This is a much better match than last week but I don't like everyone kicking out of Cena'a AA.  It should only be saved for the very biggest matches.
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